Thursday, May 23, 2024

Sen. Whitehouse and Lawrence Rip Justice Alito for Flying MAGA Battle Flags

I got this significant statistic on US religious affiliation on GOOGLE : [ " The majority of Christian Americans are Protestant Christians ( 140 million, 42 % ) though there are significant numbers of American Roman Catholics ( 70 million , 21 % ).] For decades now this majority CHRISTIAN population in " OUR democracy " has been victim of WOKE ideological tyranny. Soon American Christians will organize a collective ideological counter -attack , but one which deeply respects - unlike the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party - the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. To be sure, WE have been betrayed by the capitalist TWO PARTY SYSTEM. We need our own INDEPENDENT political party -a lot like the British Labor Party but less stiff and compromised. What has been called the Republican leaning " Christian Right " has little to offer the vast majority of working class and lower middle class CHRISTIANS. For decades now " OUR democracy ' has been just a joke . Neither the right wing Republican blowhard Donald Trump nor the corrupt , senile Joe Biden can fix it ! And neither presidential candidate will keep us out of war.

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