Saturday, May 18, 2024

US military build up as China targets territories in the Pacific | 60 Mi...

World War III between China and American imperialism will never happen. Although our nation's incurable militarism daily WARNS numerous designated enemies of " OUR democracy " , the plutocracy cannot now amass enough ground combat troops to decide the outcome of World War III - certainly not nuclear World War III. No puzzle why there is a serious military recruiting problem in " The Land of the Free and Home of the Brave ". I suspect young people just have more sense in the USA of 2024. They do not offer themselves up as cannon fodder for likes of war criminal Netanyahu in Zionist APARTHEID Israel or for warmonger embezzler V. Zelensky in his " Greater Israel " Ukraine. Just try drafting them ! And just picture corrupt , senile , creepy , " SleepyJoe " Biden , the Conqueror of Afghanistan , as our next great wartime leader !

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