Monday, May 20, 2024

ICC seeks arrest warrants for Hamas and Israeli leaders

Zionist APARTHEID Israel under the leadership of WAR CRIMINAL Benjamin Netanyahu has made itself the most hated country on the planet. Yet , American imperialism and Israeli Zionism together forever in crimes against humanity. In " OUR democracy " -so ironic - belligerent ZIONIST Jews get to censor and judge " hate speech " under the guidance of the WOKE WARRIOR Democrat , New York Times editorial board. What is so hateful about these worldwide protests against GENOCIDE in Gaza , Palestine ? Anti-Semitism is loose on the Harvard University campus ? Genocide is not a very rational way to assure " NEVER AGAIN ! ". Working class CHRISTIANS - and working class Muslims - and working class Jews - in all countries can distinguish the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED. Thoughtful Jews will abandon ZIONISM and embrace - as many once did - the principle of SOCIALIST INTERNATIONALISM. American Jewish author -and socialist - Irving Howe wrote about THIS Jewish tradition in his book " World of Our Fathers " .

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