Friday, May 31, 2024

RFK Jr.: Trump conviction is 'going to backfire on the Democrats'

I agree with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. that the Trump Trial fiasco will backfire on the WOKE WARRIOR Democrats. As a longtime independent democratic socialist I think this sordid trial in Sex City , New York confirms the cynical Marxist view of THE LAW and THE STATE in " OUR democracy ". With what moral authority does corrupt , senile, creepy President Joe Biden & Son threaten the so called UNFREE world ? Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, even Cuba and Venezuela do not live up to the high moral standards of Joe Biden & Son, the high moral standards of his CIA, FBI, Homeland Security, Pentagon War Crimes Machine ? Are working class CHRISTIAN " deplorables " prepared to let " Sleepy Joe, " and his WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party, lead us into nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia? Are Biden precious and expensive allies , the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu in Zionist APARTHEID Israel, the warmonger , embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine , worth dying for in the hearts and minds of working class Americans ? There is a profound crisis of the TWO PARTY SYSTEM in capitalist America. WE THE PEOPLE need an independent third party , an American Labor Party , like the British Labor Party but less stiff and compromised. With the dramatic and unexpected conclusion of the Trump Trial in New York City " OUR democracy " has crossed the Rubicon ! Perhaps INDEPENDENT RFK Jr.- himself a blackballed and smeared ( in the mainstream news media ) " Profile in Courage "- is in presidential election 2024 the lesser of LESSER evils ?

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