Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Thursday, December 29, 2022
The greatest horror story of all time - " Lazarus " by Leonid Andreyev ?
To be sure , a WOKE Catholic Church is a joke Catholic Church !
I have personally experienced PEDESTRIAN UNFRIENDLY Warwick, Rhode Island
Fwd: We can hardly cope with monster snow storms So forget about nuclear World War III with Russia !
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2022 at 10:26
Subject: We can hardly cope with monster snow storms So forget about nuclear World War III with Russia !
To: Letters, NYT <>
The United Nations should be more involved in this " senseless " ( the Pope was right about that ) conflict. Were ordinary working class Ukrainians ( like the 5 million ( ? ) Ukrainian civilians now in Poland ) languishing with a longing for a dangerous and foolish alliance with effete and rotting NATO ? Was " evil " Russia destroying their seemingly prosperous way of life before the Ukraine invasion ? And humble NATO was not threatening the Russian bear at all ? No American imperialism , CIA , DEEP STATE intrigue ? In contrast to the pathetic humanity now amassed on our Mexican border the Ukrainian refugees looked like they could have been rescued from a luxury cruise on the proud Titanic. When will they wear out the welcome in not -so-prosperous Poland ? Do they still see the puffed up NATO puppet Zelensky as their now immortal national hero ? Can very troubled working class Americans now in HARD TIMES here in the USA -and so many ruined middle class Americans - be expected to brainlessly support nuclear World War III with POST COMMUNIST Russia ? With the Conqueror of Afghanistan , senile , corrupt Joe Biden , as our great war time leader? Soon INFLATION and a GREAT DEPRESSION will make us a more sober nation. We can hardly cope with monster snow storms . Forget about " The Day After " nuclear war !
Wednesday, December 28, 2022
The once solid American middle class is disappearing from this LAND OF THE FREE
Not enough stupid young Americans to volunteer for nuclear World War III ? A serious military recruiting problem ?
The BRAINS of the human race must be freed from PRIVATE PROPERTY slavery
Fwd: Note from friend Bill Briden on Facebook post
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2022 at 14:57
Subject: Note from friend Bill Briden on Facebook post
To: Steve Ruggieri <
RACIST Netanyahu not a factor in perceived rise in anti-Semitism ?
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Applying EUROPEAN UNION concepts to the whole of North America, Canada, Central and South America . A solution to epoch migration crisis ?
in the United States the pillars of WOKE ideology are secular , often anti-Christian , Zionist Jews
Billionaire Zionist Jews can rescue elderly Holocaust survivors in the Ukraine
Mentally and physically healthy young Americans will not be recruited to save " sovereign " Ukraine
In tenant eviction cases the bourgeois judges most often side with the bourgeois landlord
Thursday, December 22, 2022
Fwd: What is a mere 1.7 trillion dollars ( federal government spending ) as a quantity compared to Avogadro's famous number in high school chemistry ?
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2022 at 15:01
Subject: Fwd: What is a mere 1.7 trillion dollars ( federal government spending ) as a quantity compared to Avogadro's famous number in high school chemistry ?
To: Letters <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2022 at 15:00
Subject: What is a mere 1.7 trillion dollars ( federal government spending ) as a quantity compared to Avogadro's famous number in high school chemistry ?
To: Letters, NYT <>
Do not these government spending numbers boggle the mind ? Actually the NUMBER 1.7 trillion in scientific notation looks like this :
Cellar Stories Bookstore Closing I will miss this place for sure !
From: Steve Ruggieri <>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2022 at 14:51
Subject: Cellar Stories Bookstore Closing
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
"To all Friends of Cellar Stories:
It is no small feat for a bookstore to stick around as long as we have, and it wouldn't have been possible without the support of our loyal customers near and far, and our amazing community here in Providence. Sadly, we've been informed that our landlord is planning to sell the building, so after 40 years in business Cellar Stories will be closing its doors at the end of January.
Michael Chandley opened the store in 1982 with his friend Ray, a big dream, and very little money. The starting inventory came from their personal collections, and they worked opposite hours at the store so each could hold down a second job elsewhere- Mike at his family's restaurant, Ray at B. Dalton. They managed a deal on rent for their first shop at 184 Mathewson doing odd jobs for the owner of the building, where they found an old 1917 National cash register in the basement (which we still use today). After a few years, Ray left to pursue other ventures, but Mike never tired of buying and selling books. The business changed and the inventory grew, prompting a move out of the cellar and into a first floor space at 190 Mathewson, and eventually down the street to our current location on the second floor of 111 Mathewson Street. Friends and family came out to help build shelves, move boxes, and organize the store.
Mike found help from a cohort of willing apprentices over the years, many of whom went on to pursue careers in the trade as booksellers, librarians, and writers. I've heard some of them refer to the store as "Mike Chandley's Home for Wayward Girls," as an overwhelming number of us started our employment as troubled young women, and upon leaving found ourselves educated, empowered, and slightly 'reformed.' I recently found a letter in Mike's office from a former employee who summed up the experience pretty well: "I always felt that you were concerned about my well-being and prepared to intercede on my behalf but also trusted my ability to manage on my own…a steadily caring, un-hovering presence."
I started working at Cellar Stories in 2014, and I quickly became aware that I had stumbled upon something truly special. It cannot quite be described- it's that feeling of searching for something you didn't know you needed and suddenly finding it, like a treasure buried under years of dust. As Mike said in an interview with C-SPAN, "this is the greatest job in the world….never knowing what you're going to see."
Mike was my best friend for the four years we spent together. I learned so much from him, and I laughed so much because of him. He changed the whole course of my life for the better, and I can't imagine what kind of person I'd be today if I hadn't had the opportunity to work for him. I lost a big piece of my heart when he died and Providence lost an important part of its community. He was really something special. He could be stern and grumpy, but he was sweet and soft and kind, and he always had a little twinkle in his eye. He would give anyone a free book or a dollar for the bus if they needed it, but without hesitancy would tell you exactly what you could do with yourself if you pissed him off. I miss him a lot.
At his funeral, I got to meet some of the former staff, and we've stayed in touch. They've given me advice and guidance and helped me to navigate through these last few years- one of them even came back to work with me. Justine is now like a sister to me, the customers and friends we've made here are like our family, and Cellar Stories is our home. We've spent so many hours and days among the stacks (between the 2 of us almost 20 years). I could walk through the aisles with my eyes closed- I know every knot in the wood of the shelves, and every sub-section of every sub-section of every genre. Mike taught us well, and we are planning to start our own little book business after we leave.
Although it is very sad to say goodbye to Cellar Stories, I know Mike would be happy to see us keeping his legacy alive and proud to see all that we've accomplished. I don't think anyone thought the store would make it 40 years, or that it would become such an important place to so many people. It will always be a special place to me, and I know I will never take for granted everything I've learned here.
We hope you will keep this place in your hearts too. Come say your farewells, share with us your stories and your memories, hug your favorite shelf, use up your store credit and redeem your gift certificates before it's too late. Always support your local bookstores, be nice to your booksellers, and most importantly BUY BOOKS.
Thank you for everything."
It was one of many comments posted on the Rhode Island Reddit Community. Link:
Life expectancy declines alarmingly in the United States
They name a Housing CZAR who is truly clueless !
A war monger American Congress hails the war monger Ukrainian president Zelensky
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
To think that animals in general have no real FEELINGS is just plain unscientific
I am getting addicted to the TRUE CRIME NETWORK ( local channel 12-3 ) scary in its revelation of inhuman EVIL
Risks of gall bladder surgery ?
Time Enough at Last: Comment on " Netanyahu and Nuclear War ", WATCHING...
The fact that so many people LOVE animals speaks well for the human race .
Puffed up war monger Zelensky COMING TO AMERICA !
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. spoke TRUTH about COVID-19 and is himself a JFK " Profile in Courage "
" A Slander on Our Movement " From SOCIALIST WORKER
["Of course, there are Israeli Jews who will become disgusted with Zionism and turn against it (Orr and Machover are clearly testament to this). But we can't ignore the fact that an overwhelming majority of Israelis support their government's violent and racist policies against Palestinians--because those policies allow Israel to continue existing on stolen land.
Marxists shouldn't ignore reality. The fact is that the Israeli working class materially benefits from the financial support the state receives from its patron, the U.S. government. (The ISO, by the way, has never argued that the "Israel lobby" controls the U.S. government, as Pederson's article disingenuously suggests--we have written many articles in our publications arguing the opposite)."]
Public school failures all boil down to CLASS inequality !
Monday, December 19, 2022
UPDATE on David North - permanent GREAT LEADER of the Socialist Equality Party
FOR PROFIT capitalism is the root of much -completely preventable - human misery
Ivy League educated Rhode Island politicians make no reference to the irrational side of the CAPITALIST SYSTEM
The roots of growing anti-Semitism today
Thursday, December 15, 2022
August Bebel : " Christianity is the enemy of civilization " ?
Congressman Langevin certainly has his virtues . But ...
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
People before Property ?
The global capitalist system is in itself a colossal swindle on the masses
Uncle Sam does not send Ukraine billions of dollars in foreign aid so it can remain proudly SOVEREIGN
Fwd: FALSE ADVERTISING daily on radio and TV for NAVAGE nose cleaner and PREVAGEN memory pill
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2022 at 13:59
Subject: FALSE ADVERTISING daily on radio and TV for NAVAGE nose cleaner and PREVAGEN memory pill
To: <>
Real medical science warning on the much advertised NAVAGE nose cleaner and PREVAGEN memory pill . IGNORED by TV and radio stations !
Real medical science warning on the much advertised NAVAGE nose cleaner and PREVAGEN memory pill . IGNORED by TV and radio stations !
As a social EVIL homelessness is now DARKNESS VISIBLE in Rhode Island
As Rhode Island's Housing CZAR this Josh Saal is a joke !
"Progress " for phony LEFT-WING groups is cancelling Joe Biden as the Democratic Party's presidential candidate in 2024 !
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
We need the equivalent of a Marshall Plan to end homelessness
Fwd: WOKE Democratic Party only deepens divisions within the American working class
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2022 at 16:25
Subject: WOKE Democratic Party only deepens divisions within the American working class
To: <>
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I see ALL forms of oppression and inequality as being corrected by ending the CLASS divisions of capitalist society. The WOKE Democratic Party only deepens division within the working class and the lower middle class by daily pandering to any " community " -like LGBTQ - led by obvious attention seeking narcissists, always supporting " liberal " Democrats.
A much needed American Labor Party would be similar to the British Labor Party but with more guts
Monday, December 12, 2022
History professor Howard Zinn on Israel as a " mistake "
Anti-Semitism today equals the anti-Semitism of the Christian Dark Ages ?
Homelessness USA - a profound crisis of capitalism and sacrosanct landlord PRIVATE PROPERTY rights
Friday, December 2, 2022
A Marshall Plan to rescue the homeless in the USA
Saturday, November 5, 2022
Fwd: Does the generic LEFT prefer to leave the telling of this truth to Neo Nazis ?
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 5 Nov 2022 at 13:02
Subject: Does the generic LEFT prefer to leave the telling of this truth to Neo Nazis ?
To: Letters, NYT <>
The more belligerent ZIONISTS in the United States prefer to operate out of the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party
Friday, November 4, 2022
Fwd: The ZIONIST Jew controlled news media in the United States will get us all excited and cheering for nuclear World War III ?
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2022 at 15:27
Subject: The ZIONIST Jew controlled news media in the United States will get us all excited and cheering for nuclear World War III ?
To: Letters <>
Where is war monger American president Joe Biden and his administration packed with belligerent ZIONIST Jews going to find the cannon fodder among young Americans for his threatened war against Iran, North Korea, Russia, China ? There will never be a second American Century . The sun is setting on decaying , moribund American imperialism. Ordinary working class people do not plan wars or start wars.. But history teaches that they can end them. The ZIONIST JEW controlled news media in the United States will get us all excited and cheering for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? Iran, North Korea, China ? A population already made miserable by capitalist decay ? The interests of the American plutocracy have nothing in common with the interests of working class America. How many young nitwits can the armed forces of the United States recruit for World War III ?
Fwd: Biden agenda now " FREE IRAN " ? Can that many idiots be quickly recruited into the armed forces of the United States ?
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2022 at 15:02
Subject: Biden agenda now " FREE IRAN " ? Can that many idiots be quickly recruited into the armed forces of the United States ?
To: Letters, NYT <>
Should corrupt Joe Biden start a war to " free Iran " ZIONIST Israel's corrupt Benjamin Netanyahu would be giddy with joy
There is not one " progressive " Democrat speaking out for world peace.
Thursday, November 3, 2022
SOCIALISM would cancel all state lottery winnings !
The poor . homeless , mentally disturbed man who attacked Paul Pelosi needs a competent public defender
ZIONIST Jew zealots daily censor anti-war , anti-ZIONIST American public opinion
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Does Paul Pelosi's attacker have a competent lawyer ?
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Fwd: Pleased to know that former president Donald Trump suspicious of " FAKE NEWS " versions of Pelosi attack
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2022 at 13:34
Subject: Pleased to know that former president Donald Trump suspicious of " FAKE NEWS " versions of Pelosi attack
To: Letters <>
I am a long time independent democratic socialist . I am pleased to learn just now that former president Donald Trump questions mainstream news versions of the attack on Mr. Pelosi in his palatial home . So far the " FAKE NEWS " version of the attack is suspiciously preposterous. Has the defendant - poor and homeless and mentally ill man- a competent lawyer ? Who trusts police interrogations here ?