Sunday, December 8, 2019

Why do the Kafkaesque Trump impeachment hearings sound like an old Yiddish Theater soap opera ?

In my mostly Christian working class circles I encounter nobody eager to impeach President Donald Trump or losing sleep over our old precious NATO ally - now with a nice Jewish president- the Ukraine ( to lead a proxy war against wicked Russia ? )
Weirdly enough, the " progressive " Democrats have - for more than three dismal years now - been promoting the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism. With the complete backing of the mainstream news media , and with " Rabbi " Chuck Todd leading the charge every Sunday on " Meet the Press ".

The Kafkaesque Trump impeachment hearings even sound like an old Yiddish Theater soap opera. So many " friends of Israel " in military uniform eager to nullify the 2016 presidential election. An arrogant minority eager to marginalize the working class MAJORITY .
And I speak on the LEFT as a lifelong independent democratic socialist: the American Democratic Party has become the most corrupt, stupid, out of touch, political organization on the planet. And what an ideological mess: the socialist millionaire Zionist Jew Bernie Sanders vs. the capitalist billionaire Zionist Jew Michael Bloomberg . So much for " OUR democracy " !
Are FACTS and THE TRUTH anti-Semitic ?

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