Sunday, December 15, 2019

Self-destructing Democrat Party making Trump the LESSER EVIL in 2020

I was scolded by partisan Democrats for voting for Ralph Nader back in 2000 . There is a human right to vote for people who don't disgust us with lies and phoniness.

I have concluded that two much of our constructive spiritual energy goes into rather vicious political passions. On the far Left myself- an independent democratic socialist , a sometime " critical supporter " of Bernie Sanders , I could easily see how Donald Trump- after a weird , shocking but LEGITIMATE 2016 election - was SMEARED as a moral monster , another " Hitler ", which is hysterical nonsense. 

Where is the evidence of the racist , the sexist , the shameless" White Supremacist -in-Chief , BEFORE Trump became the Republican Party candidate for president in 2016 ? Is it enough to contrast a party full of virtuous Democrats, all virtual saints of political correctness, with VERY NASTY Trump and nasty- nasty Republicans ?
You have to be naïve to think that a cabal of corrupt Democrats can save what is left of " OUR democracy ". The 2016 presidential campaign was all about disgust with " OUR democracy " ! 

What is so " OUR democracy " about the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism ?

The Kafkaesque Trump impeachment hearings sound and look like a 2019 remake of the infamous Moscow Trials . The leading characters seem right out of old Yiddish Theater soap opera.

Is not " Greater Israel " meddling in " OUR democracy " ? Why are " progressive " Democrats now slobbering over the unelected shadow government of the United States , the FBI , CIA , OUR Pentagon War Crimes Machine ?

It is the Democrat Party that is self-destructing, making Trump seem the LESSER EVIL in the 2020 presidential election.

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