Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Only cure for climate change catastrophe- GLOBAL SOCIALISM
Yesterday afternoon ( Dec. 6 ) just getting off a RIPTA bus in Kennedy Plaza I found myself in the midst of a long line of young people marching and chanting " The People United Will Never Be Defeated! " ( after 50 years a sound but rather effete chant ) on the sidewalk before the old Federal Building . They fear THEIR future in a world in a man- made environmental crisis.
As a lifelong " radical " democratic socialist( along with many thousands of my generation) I was aware that reckless global capitalism was poisoning the Good Earth way back in 1968 . I recall Rachel Carson's melancholy " Silent Spring " warning . I recall the first Earth Day .
Of course, the Good Earth is still so much bigger than relatively puny homo sapiens. Long before any possible toxic interference by our species the Good Earth experienced dramatic climate change . For a few million years , I read , it was " Snowball Earth " . Ice Ages came and went . And there was the mass extinction of the Permian Age. Can we ever be masters of this planet, never mind the universe ? Can we ever invent an super- thermostat for ideal Earth temperature regulation ?
What can really be done ? Just to begin we will need a global economic system that makes possible RATIONAL control over the earth;s resources. Call it GLOBAL SOCIALISM .
With less HUBRIS it will be possible to believe in a Supreme Being again. As useful as it is SCIENCE is yet another god that failed in the 20th century and well into the 21st century.
It is hard for me to idealize and respect any VOICE of science . So many scientists seem to be lackeys of the military industrial complex more controlled by collective GROUP THINK than by any disciplined " scientific method ". No doubt very soon a number of these public voice of science charlatans will endorse some very establishment Democrat as savior of the planet .
When obnoxious astrophysicist Neil De Grasse Tyson lectures about global warming on TV this puffed up celebrity has for me as much credibility as an old Kevin Trudeau early Sunday morning TV infomercial. Last time I checked Kevin was still in federal prison .
Still I like the IN THE STREET protests of a fresh generation . More real than cyber space soap operas .
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