Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Saturday, December 28, 2019
Some suggested modest reforms for American capitalism
The cause of social justice in capitalist America needs all the honest truth tellers out there. No rational socialist will be an obstacle to any humane reforms . But so rotten is decaying capitalism that it does seem beyond any substantial reforms . This system can only be defended by lies and brutality .
PRODUCTION FOR PROFIT can only breed social insanity. The inherent " benevolence " of American capitalism is daily promoted in horrendous radio and TV commercials - and SICK , SICK , SICKO Hollywood movies.
Here I suggest one modest reform : does every football , baseball , and basketball star so quickly have to be a multi-millionaire ? Would a billion dollar lottery ticket make any sense in " The Sane Society " ?
Cannot checking slum landlord greed do wonders for the nightmare homeless plague in our big cities ?
Can the Pentagon War Crimes Machine at least stop making nuclear submarines ? Are they an effective weapon against Islamic terrorism , against scattered ISIS lunatics ?
Cannot the Pentagon military budget be effectively put on rations ? Beginning with a mass firing of all the brainless, recruited , VOLUNTARY human robots , most of the MANIAC officer corps ? THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE !
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