Friday, December 6, 2019

Morgan Giddings : " Why I'm disillusioned with science "

It's a funny, ironic, and sad statement that I have more intellectual freedom running a business than I did as a tenured science professor.
[ But it's true. And that's why I'm disillusioned with science.  Not with the process of science, but with the mainstream establishment that stifles "different" beliefs about how things work.
Here's my "different" belief to share: realize that you are part of a much greater consciousness. You are not a lone person in a vast empty wilderness of dead particles… you are part of an alive, creative universe.  Once you embrace that, you'll find way more happiness and satisfaction. (This is what my next book or two will be about).]

Sep 18, 2012 - Yet, if you look at how it's practiced and worshipped, you'd think it was a religion of some kind. When we talk of science in the modern day, we ...

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