On the Left myself , a life long independent socialist, I have for three years now viewed the IMPEACH TRUMP witch hunt - driven by ILLIBERAL LIBERAL Democratic Party hacks - as a mockery of what is left of " OUR democracy ".
Unless the Orwellian " deep state " succeeds in " vaporizing " President Trump " The Donald " will be re-elected by a landslide in the 2020 presidential election.
The ghost of Franz Kafka will have the last laugh on the Mueller Russia investigation . " Obstruction of justice " makes no sense without a named CRIME .
Shouts of " traitor " from Democrats now has the sickening sound of Cold War Era John Birch Society fanatics .
Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Is " radical " journalist Chris Hedges also a fraud ?
This is neither an authentic Christian point of teaching or anything material to any of these discussions, nor does it have any biological merit."
That a man is a man and a woman is a woman is indeed authentic Christian teaching but also as A=A a point of formal logic .
Last time I checked MARXIST materialism had no quarrel with Darwin's " Origin of the Species " and the evolutionary concept of SEXUAL selection.
Is your WOKE Left about to reject objective reality ?
" I don't take what is obvious bait " God forbid that you should bump into anybody- outside your SAFE ZONE - that would disagree with you on anything -even the geometry of snowflakes !
" Yeah I was commenting on the Chris Hedges work " . I am beginning to doubt Chris Hedges moral and intellectual integrity . I suspect that any " celebrity " giving three hour sermon-lectures is a little too full of himself .
I was not impressed with Chris Hedges chumming up with that charlatan " Trotskyist " David North on the pretentious World Socialist Web Site - babbling about social media threats to FREE SPEECH .
H. L. Mencken would be amused by an enterprising Jew ( David North = David Green ) - the owner of a NON-UNION printing company- turning even Trotsky's " Fourth International " into a Make-A-Buck swindle .
That a man is a man and a woman is a woman is indeed authentic Christian teaching but also as A=A a point of formal logic .
Last time I checked MARXIST materialism had no quarrel with Darwin's " Origin of the Species " and the evolutionary concept of SEXUAL selection.
Is your WOKE Left about to reject objective reality ?
" I don't take what is obvious bait " God forbid that you should bump into anybody- outside your SAFE ZONE - that would disagree with you on anything -even the geometry of snowflakes !
" Yeah I was commenting on the Chris Hedges work " . I am beginning to doubt Chris Hedges moral and intellectual integrity . I suspect that any " celebrity " giving three hour sermon-lectures is a little too full of himself .
I was not impressed with Chris Hedges chumming up with that charlatan " Trotskyist " David North on the pretentious World Socialist Web Site - babbling about social media threats to FREE SPEECH .
H. L. Mencken would be amused by an enterprising Jew ( David North = David Green ) - the owner of a NON-UNION printing company- turning even Trotsky's " Fourth International " into a Make-A-Buck swindle .
An intelligent comment : " White Christianity was fraudulent " ?
“Black people did not need to go to seminary and study theology to know that white Christianity was fraudulent.”
Is that an intelligent comment : " White Christianity was fraudulent " ? Just where was written the Gospel of WHITE Christianity ? How can any self-respecting CHRISTIAN collude with the obnoxious New Atheists in trashing Christianity ? How do hard core atheists in power rate as HUMANITARIANS ?
The godless thugs in sectarian Marxist parties will never create a mass movement that is not also a force for EVIL in the world . Nice to know that it is a matter of high principle with them not to TALK to people with different ideas about the nature of EVIL in the world .
Do you think the Christian MAJORITY in this country will let itself be marginalized and mocked even in the SOCIALIST press ?
" Bertrand Russell's America " sadly relevant today
A while back I read through the whole book : " Bertrand Russell's America ". It is painful for me to think how well it describes " OUR democracy " today . How false is our self-congratulatory view of FREEDOM in the United States, of the RULE OF LAW in the United States.
How brainless is our acceptance of the miltary's " crackpot realism " and the vast waste of resources that is the military industrial complex.
Most certainly the " liberal Democrats " are not a counter force against the Orwellian National Security State which daily makes a mockery of the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization.
Lord Russell also wrote a book titled : " The Wisdom of the West ". Has that wisdom " Gone with the Wind " ?
The Pentagon War Crimes Machine needs a credible enemy . Too bad it does not have COMMUNIST Russia and " godless communism " to antagonize anymore.
To be sure Soviet era " godless atheism " has conquered the soul of the American ruling class. But this New American Atheism sings with an Ayn Rand " Virtue of Selfishness " chorus. To which the American working class turns a deaf ear .
Myra K. Mercier right about " Never Again " protesters and REAL Holocaust
I just read Myra K. Mercier's letter to the editor ( October 30 ) titled : " Don't equate protester detention with Holocaust " . The writer correctly observes that these protesters ( Aaron Regunberg's " Never Again " Jewish fan club ) are activists who are readily recruited for other " social justice " causes.
But the fawning editor of the Providence Journal, Allan Rosenberg, is allowing Rep. Regunberg - a " radical leftist " ( ? ) - oddly enough in good standing with the Democratic Party Establishment here in Rhode Island.- NOT to show all his game playing cards And Harvard Law School ( where PRIVILEGED Regunberg is studying law ) is famous for turning out professional enemies -not FRIENDS - of the exploited and oppressed of the world .
" Never Again " as a slogan is actually the intellectual property of Rabbi Meir Kahane's notorious " Jewish Defense League " . The JDL had a record for fascist thuggery .
But the fawning editor of the Providence Journal, Allan Rosenberg, is allowing Rep. Regunberg - a " radical leftist " ( ? ) - oddly enough in good standing with the Democratic Party Establishment here in Rhode Island.- NOT to show all his game playing cards And Harvard Law School ( where PRIVILEGED Regunberg is studying law ) is famous for turning out professional enemies -not FRIENDS - of the exploited and oppressed of the world .
" Never Again " as a slogan is actually the intellectual property of Rabbi Meir Kahane's notorious " Jewish Defense League " . The JDL had a record for fascist thuggery .
Mar 8, 2018 - Kahane used Never Again to justify acts of terror in the name of fighting anti- Semitism. In the anthem of the Jewish Defense League, members ...]
Would it not be just professional journalism to ask young Regunberg his position on Zionist Apartheid Israel ? A while back the United Nations condemned Zionism as a form of racism. Send ACLU lawyers to Jerusalem to defend Palestinian human rights ?
Does " liberal " Democrat Regunberg add his voice to his pal Congressman David Cicilline's , a voice of the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism ?
For any Democrat over 50 the New Democrats are quite a reactionary lot . A long way from FDR and JFK and PEACE candidates of the past.
[ I am forwarding this letter to 630 WPRO Talk Radio and my daily blog .
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
My recorded thoughts on turning age 50 in 1997 )
[ I am 50 years old today. I have had ten years to think about it. I remember turning 40. Last night I was in a Greta Garbo mood: " I JUST WANT TO BE ALONE!"
A semi-sweet melancholy. When I awoke this morning the sun was shining brilliantly in a clear blue sky. Nature, of course, is utterly indifferent to our birthdays. In my existential point of view, the COSMOS itself is utterly indifferent to our lives. I would like very much to believe in the FORCE but there is no evidence for it.
Perhaps the FORCE believes in me! I am no saint but nobody would call me a scoundrel. I have maintained close friendships with a few precious human beings. A bachelor by fate or choice, I still cherish my now very extended family . I have no personal enemies and no heinous deeds on my conscience.
I am a rare bird on this planet-a truly free man! The world does not seem a very happy place to me. But it is a very interesting place. Curiosity alone can keep somebody like me going for a long time . I have laughed at AMBITION all my life (inspired by the ideas of Albert Camus). And AMBITION, of course, has laughed right back !
If the GRIM REAPER were to knock on my door tonight, I would say, "But I am not ready!" "I have not achieved my PURPOSE." "What purpose?" He might ask scornfully.
"Why as passionately as any of King Arthur's knights, I AM STILL SEEKING THE HOLY GRAIL".
"Why as passionately as any of King Arthur's knights, I AM STILL SEEKING THE HOLY GRAIL".
Maybe that will buy me time. ( 1997 ) ]
Non religious Zionists like disgraced Harvey Weinstein receive HUMANITARIAN awards ?
What is ironic is that that young secular Zionist Jews in the USA pretend that they are in the vanguard protesting WHITE SUPREMACY . Apartheid Israel is very much a settler country like old South Africa .
These secular Zionist Jews are the self-appointed judges and jury of HATE speech in the mainstream news media , of multi-various sins against political correctness and the violations of the DNC's vicious" identity politics "agenda.
They are determined along with the sectarian Marxist Left to marginalize the working class Christian majority of the United States , to marginalize Christianity.
Non-religious Zionists like disgraced movie producer Harvey Weinstein mass produce Hollywood 's numerous anti-Catholic films . That does not stop them from receiving HUMANITARIAN awards.
Oct 14, 2017 - A Litany of Harvey Weinstein's Catholic-Bashing Films ... he rightfully condemned anti-Semitism in his acceptance speech, as reported by Bill ...]
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Art Corey sounds like an establishment Democrat hack ( Oct.29 - letter ) - takes issue with PROJO editorial
In his October 29 letter to the editor Art Corey disagrees with an October 18 Providence Journal editorial " Poor process for impeachment " . Corey is indignant that there should be any comparison from respectable sources with Soviet era procedures ( like the Moscow trials ) .
As a long time INDEPENDENT democratic socialist who was a critical supporter of Bernie Sanders in the Rhode Island Democrat Primary I see shadow government and DNC intrigues against a LEGITIMATE- from the beginning - Trump presidency as a complete mockery of what still passes for " OUR democracy ". In no way did Bad Vlad Putin gives us Donald Trump. " Hawk Hillary ", " Corrupt Hillary " gave us " The Donald ".
What , I ask, could be more Kafkaesque than the three year Mueller Russia investigation ? What can be more unrepresentative of " OUR democracy " than the DNC and mainstream news media promotion of the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism ?
The DESPERATION is really in the camp of establishment Democrats . Trump could win by a landslide in the 2020 election. The Democrats are an ideological mess. You can't sound like FDR and JFK and talk at the same time like 1950s Cold War Era John Birch Society fanatics whose favorite word of condemnation was " traitor ".
Sunday, October 27, 2019
A WAR on terrorism never made any sense
From the very beginning a WAR on terrorism made no sense . The roots of terrorism are not terrorists . People everywhere will react the same - a normal distribution of resentment - to conditions of extreme misery and chaos . It was like modern medicine declaring WAR ON GERMS a century ago .
In the past 20 years how many times have we heard " The Arrogance of Power " VOICE in the United States brag about killing - "LIKE A DOG " - some TOP TERRORIST LEADER ?
It is President Trump's REFRESHING isolationist instincts that resonate with the majority of the American people.
Where oh where are those PEACENIK Democrats ? Are they all now devoted to the New McCarthyism ? All now FRIENDS of the Pentagon War Crimes Machine ? Hillary 's face will launch a thousand avenging nuclear missiles ?
Find ONE Democrat presidential candidate who will put in a good word for PEACE ON EARTH and for settling international disputes in that court of world public opinion called the United Nations ?
Just WHO creates the present intolerant intellectual atmosphere on college campuses in the United States ?
Thank you for an intelligent comment . The topic of Zionist control of the news media should not be taboo on the Left . Many outstanding and decent journalists have been smeared as anti-Semites simply for presenting FACTS . Are FACTS anti-Semitic ?
And how can sectarian Marxist parties that are openly contemptuous of the world's millions of Christians ever hope to become MASS parties with exponential growth in times of extreme capitalist crisis ? What else are they preparing for but a Neo-Stalinism dictatorship over the proletariat ? Their permanent GREAT LEADERS ( with very capitalist private bank accounts ) are the seeds of future totalitarianism . Their TRUE BELIEVER members are so much like the pathetic " Clears " in the notorious Church of Scientology.
And how can sectarian Marxist parties that are openly contemptuous of the world's millions of Christians ever hope to become MASS parties with exponential growth in times of extreme capitalist crisis ? What else are they preparing for but a Neo-Stalinism dictatorship over the proletariat ? Their permanent GREAT LEADERS ( with very capitalist private bank accounts ) are the seeds of future totalitarianism . Their TRUE BELIEVER members are so much like the pathetic " Clears " in the notorious Church of Scientology.
I suspect the driving force behind the obnoxious New Atheism is the Ayn Rand Zionism of neo-con Jews so prominent in the government of the United States and in both the Democrat and Republican parties.
The roots of bizarre " political correctness " and of the bullying tactics of "identity politics " are found in the late night thoughts of secular Zionist Jew activists who wear a mask of " liberalism " . THEY create the present intolerant intellectual atmosphere on the nation's college campuses , especially on Ivy League campuses.
[In 1960, I was fixated on emulating the courageous media personalities of the times, from Edward R. Murrow to a distinctive figure I came to admire at presidential press conferences - a wire service reporter named Helen Thomas.
In recent years, my faith in the power of dialogue in politics has been severely tested - as, no doubt has hers - in an age where diatribes and deliberate demonization chills debate and exchanges of opposing views.
Once you are labeled and stereotyped - especially if you are denounced as an anti-Semite - you are relegated to the fringes, pronounced a hater beyond redemption, and even beyond explanation.]
As the legendary Helen Thomas soon found out.]
The Jewish connection to the Russian Revolution
The Jewish connection to the Russian Revolution
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Zionist control of the mainstream news media is NOT a neo-Nazi paranoid fiction
Watch Ocasio-Cortez's Epic Takedown of Mark Zuckerberg (Video)
The generic Left -often the target of right wing talk radio scorn- has for decades now been affected by the odious Anti-Fa mentality . Sad to see self -identified Marxist-Leninist- Trotskyist parties showing a FASCIST like contempt for the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization.
In the United States it is becoming all too obvious that secular Zionist Jews control the mainstream news media. THEY are the power- and the inspiration- behind the tyranny of vicious " identity politics " and vacuous political correctness. Telling us daily that 2+2 = 5 ( or a man is a woman if he thinks he is ) in the manner of BIG BROTHER in Orwell's " 1984 ".
In the United States it is becoming all too obvious that secular Zionist Jews control the mainstream news media. THEY are the power- and the inspiration- behind the tyranny of vicious " identity politics " and vacuous political correctness. Telling us daily that 2+2 = 5 ( or a man is a woman if he thinks he is ) in the manner of BIG BROTHER in Orwell's " 1984 ".
These secular Zionist Jews -operating in BOTH the Democrat and Republican Party - constitute a sinister cabal that is gradually taking charge of American foreign policy . They are behind the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism .
You can hardly find a major newspaper that does not equate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism . Find an important editor with any sympathy for the oppressed Palestinians . Senator Chuck Schumer arrogantly asserts that " ANTI-ZIONISM = ANTI-SEMITISM " while saying he wants to be Israel's " guardian angel " ( of course Democrat Schumer is NOT an agent of a foreign power! ) .
Zionist Jew public intellectuals are ubiquitous on talk radio always promoting a militarist agenda , such FRIENDS of the Pentagon War Crimes Machine ; always glorifying Zionist Apartheid Israel; always unmasking the crazed anti-Semites in our midst ( like AOC ? ) .
Secular Zionist Jews are THE CENSORS of public opinion in the United States.
And this is not an anti-Semitic rant . The TRUTH is increasingly self-evident .
The generic LEFT should stop pretending that Zionist control of the news media is a neo-Nazi paranoid fiction. To a degree crypto-Zionists even have much influence in SOCIALIST parties and organizations. Here too always neurotically UNMASKING " Jew haters " .
What was the Kafkaesque Mueller Russia Investigation other than a feud between pro-Hillary Zionists and pro-Trump Zionists ? When this feud is resolved nuclear World War III will begin.
[Helen Thomas to Playboy: Jews 'own the White House'
Helen Thomas is not sorry, nor were the comments that ended her career accidental.
“I knew exactly what I was doing – I was going for broke,” she told Playboy in the magazine’s April interview. “I had reached the point of no return. You finally get fed up … I finally wanted to speak the truth.”
Thomas, of course, left her perch as the dean of the White House press corps last year after telling a rabbi and blogger that Jews should “get the hell out of Palestine” and “go home” to “Poland, Germany and America and everywhere else.” Her family is Lebanese and she grew up in the Detroit area, home to one of the country’s densest populations of Arab Americans.
She spoke to Playboy at length about the situation in Palestine, her feelings on American support of Israel, and her take on Jews.
But her most controversial comments echoed ones she’s made before about the influence of Jews in American life, which have contributed to her name being stripped from journalism awards.
"[The Jews are] using their power, and they have power in every direction,” she told Playboy. “Power over the White House, power over Congress … Everybody is in the pocket of the Israeli lobbies, which are funded by wealthy supporters, including those from Hollywood. Same thing with the financial markets. There's total control … It isn't the 2 percent. It's real power when you own the White House, when you own these other places in terms of your political persuasion. Of course they have power. [To the interviewer] You don't deny that. You're Jewish, aren't you?"
She also had some controversial views about memorializing the Holocaust.
"There's nothing wrong with remembering it, but why do we have to constantly remember?" she said. "We're not at fault. I mean, if they're going to put a Holocaust museum in every city in Germany, that's fine with me. But we didn't do this to the Jews. Why do we have to keep paying the price and why do they keep oppressing the Palestinians? Do the Jews ever look at themselves? Why are they always right? Because they have been oppressed throughout history, I know. And they have this persecution. That's true, but they shouldn't use that to dominate."]
Anti-Zionism = Anti-Semitism ? |
Friday, October 25, 2019
Those Burrillville school kids are not RACIST
There are ironies of fact in this now routine " unmasking " of racism and racists in the daily FAKE NEWS . Do a background check on the sanctimonious accusers of mostly decent , innocent people
The sanctimonious accusers are most often Democrat Party hacks . For years the ILLIBERAL LIBERAL Democrats have made RACE and RACISM the big issues decades after the triumph of the 60s Civil Rights Movement . It is not unreasonable to think that institutionalized racism does not now exist in the United States.
But zealots like Aaron Regunberg , leader of the self-identified Jewish group " Never Again ", actually instigate racial tensions - where they hardly exist .
Is it not ironic that secular Zionists Jews - supporters of Apartheid Israel - should set themselves up as judge and jury of HATE speech and HATE incidents in " OUR democracy "? A while back the United Nations condemned Zionism as a form of racism.
Does " OUR democracy " now seek to marginalize a mostly Christian, Catholic and Protestant , majority ?
Any ACLU lawyers ( a bright future for Harvard Law School student Aaron Regunberg ) defending the dignity of the oppressed Palestinians at that separation WALL in Israel ?
The mainstream FAKE NEWS media needs what famous writer Ernest Hemingway called " a built in shock proof- S**T detector ". Their own bigotry is obvious !
No party has a patent on socialism or the blessing of HISTORY
" The freedom of expression can only be defended through a break with the establishment parties and the building of a working-class movement for socialism. "
I agree with your recent comment on the WSWS . But this web site and the " progressive " Left in general are themselves more and more contemptuous of the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization.
After being smeared by an SEP zealot as the " resident Catholic , anti-Semite , fascist " I was banned more than a year ago from the World Socialist Web Site . It was coldly silent when I asked them to substantiate the smear. They do remind me of the notorious Church of Scientology and their brainwashed legion of " Clears ".
It is quite hypocritical for their permanent GREAT LEADER David North- their Great Oz- to lecture the New York Times about the FREE SPEECH values dear to all progressives, of course.
I AM an independent democratic socialist. " THE MASSES " will never discover these sectarian Marxist parties each one imagining itself THE VANGUARD of a coming socialist revolution.
Since the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 HISTORY has made a mockery of all self-appointed socialist vanguard parties.
No party has a patent on SOCIALISM or the blessing of HISTORY . With the highest morals of common humanity we all still grope in the dark .
Thursday, October 24, 2019
" Never Again " Aaron Regunberg is not showing all his cards
As a young PRIVILEGED American citizen - already with a pass to the inner circle of the CORRUPT Rhode Island Democrat Party establishment - Aaron Regunberg - true to the capitalist Culture of Narcissism - wants to pass himself off a young " progressive " idealist teary eyed over the plight of illegal immigrants . But young Regunberg is not showing all his cards .
That " Never Again " slogan was taken from the notorious Rabbi Meir Kahane's right wing thug group known as the Jewish Defense League ( JDL ). What is Aaron Regunberg's position on Zionism once condemned by the United Nations as a form of RACISM ?
Right here in Rhode Island was Regunberg in 2016 a follower of Bernie Sanders or of Governor Gina Raimondo ? Does he go along with HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism so well voiced recently by " Hawk Hillary " Clinton ?
Does he support the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT rights of conservative Republicans and " deplorable " working class Americans fond of wearing MAGA hats ? Does he wink at Anti-Fa tactics like pouring red paint on Christopher Columbus statues and other lawless provocations ?
The ILLIBERAL LIBERALS of Regunberg's Democrat Party can be just as nasty HATERS as any group on the Right. Of course, they need Harvard Law School graduates - experts at legal gibberish sophistry .
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Speaking ON THE LEFT : " President Trump THE lesser evil in 2020 "
The " New McCarthyism " was evident to this INDEPENDENT democratic socialist back in June of 2016 . The very first victim of the DNC based New McCarthyism was the very popular Bernie Sanders . I was a critical supporter of Bernie and voted for him in " OUR democracy " in the Rhode Island Democratic Primary in April . Bernie WON but that did not matter to top Democrats here.
At the National Convention Bernie Sanders supporters were smeared as having a " propensity for violence " . At one point I hoped Bernie Sanders would call for the formation of an independent third party - clearly Hillary Clinton's - and the ESTABLISHMENT PLUTOCRACY 's -worst nightmare.
I see the threat of FASCISM in the USA today coming more from the Neo-Democrat Left and its storm troop Anti-Fa than from any coalition of conservative Republicans wearing MAGA hats . Smearing President Donald Trump as " Hitler" and describing every day of his administration as a " constitutional crisis " is a mockery of principled liberalism - which a generation ago still respected the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. In no way is Trump Hitler !
The New McCarthyist Democrats and their pit bull Anti-Fa goons are indeed making the populist nationalist Donald Trump THE lesser evil in the 2020 election in the United States.
If THEY finally respect the Constitution of the United States ( which makes Trump's presidency LEGITIMATE ) ,we can avoid violence and chaos in an ugly political civil war . Without real Law & Order there can be no JUSTICE for anybody - not even for the various pet victims of DNC based " identity politics ".
Hillary Clinton and the New McCarthyism
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The mummified sectarian Marxist Left cannot seem to hide its New Atheism bias. The biggest mistake of the Russian Bolshevik Revolution was to declare its state - with obscene quickness - " officially atheist ".
The so called Left today is actually drifting into a FASCIST Anti-Fa political perspective. In seeing Donald Trump as the root of all evil in " OUR democracy " it is setting itself up to support some establishment " liberal " Democrat approved by the Greater Israel lobby.
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I see the seeds of totalitarianism of the Left in the disdain for the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization.
I am happy to see the IDEA of socialism in the air and on the air . But on the whole what passes for left wing politics today in the United States and in Europe is darkened by the shadow of Stalinism.
This irrepressible scorn for Christians and Christianity on the Left ( especially on the sectarian Marxist Left ) will keep it marginalized for many more decades.
How many Leftists here will BOLDLY assert that a MAN is a MAN and a WOMAN is a WOMAN ? ( that it is morally repugnant for a mother to UNSEX her child ? ) Much of the Left has even abandoned objective reality.
The shock will come when " Hitler " Trump is re-elected by a landslide . The MASSES are certainly not about to vote for or discover any effete " socialist " third party.