Sunday, October 20, 2019

Radical Ron's condition for CRITICAL support for " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders

I remain the same INDEPENDENT democratic socialist that I was protesting the Vietnam War with MILLIONS of my generation back in 1968 .   It was clear to me at age 21 that the capitalist system coupled with American imperialism could only be defended by lies and brutality .  But I also learned from my reading about a century of PROGRESSIVE politics  that the Democrat Party was NOT the ideal place to create a genuine mass movement for social change.     
                 But I can always give - and withhold - critical support - to  maverick " socialist " Democrats like Bernie Sanders who at least manage to speak TRUTH TO POWER longer than I expected.    
                 Still a REAL socialist always questions and challenges the moral legitimacy of " legitimate " wealth. And never supports foreign military adventures sponsored by the plutocracy , the far less than ONE PERCENT of the US population.  
                       And NO socialist will slobber over the shadow government of the United States , the FBI, the CIA , the Pentagon War Machine.      Is that YOU , Bernie ?   Then I remain a CRITICAL supporter .   My hair will turn pure white if, in the  fall of 2020, old Bernie Sanders exhorts the American voters to elect Joe Biden  !

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