The American socialist humanist psychiatrist Erich Fromm , author of the still relevant book " The Sane Society ", wrote also about " Escape from Freedom " decades ago . Fromm studied the rise of Hitler. I now see frightful GROUP THINK arrogance on the Left. And the idea that other human beings on the planet who disagree with you - political leaders you don't like ( like President Donald Trump ) - must be moral monsters.
There is no civil debate in the United States today. So called " liberals " acting and speaking in lock-step ( next goose step ? ) conformity daily reject the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. Left wing FASCISM is a reality.
The mainstream news media is a disgrace compared to what it was in the first three decades after World War II. Professional journalism is dead in " OUR democracy " . Even the concept of objective reality is scorned.
2+2 = 5 is George Orwell's nightmare world of " 1984 ". Is BOY=GIRL any different ?