Any old fashioned " LIBERAL Democrat " pacifist would have loved Trump's not quite " crazy " speech to the heart of the USA : Yes, WE are fed up with endless stupid wars in the Middle East. Ironically the " progressive " Democrats - ALL of them - sound more and more like militarist John Birch Society cold warriors of the 1950s .
No working class Americans are losing sleep over" OUR friends " the Kurds in Syria or " OUR friends " the fascists in the Ukraine. Our even " OUR friends " in Apartheid Israel . OUR interests are not the THEIR interests, THEY being the shadow government of the United States . See the oh-so-progressive Democrats now slobbering over the CIA , the FBI , the Pentagon War Machine. What moral rot !
As a democratic socialist I can say without blushing : TRUMP IS THE LESSER EVIL in the 2000 presidential election. But I will write in Mother Teresa . And I speak ON THE LEFT .