Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Anti-Fa Left setting itself up for the Greater Israel lobby
" Chris Hedges, an ordained Presbyterian minister, gave this sermon Sunday at the Claremont Presbyterian Church in Claremont, Calif. "
The mummified sectarian Marxist Left cannot seem to hide its New Atheism bias. The biggest mistake of the Russian Bolshevik Revolution was to declare its state - with obscene quickness - " officially atheist ".
The so called Left today is actually drifting into a FASCIST Anti-Fa political perspective. In seeing Donald Trump as the root of all evil in " OUR democracy " it is setting itself up to support some establishment " liberal " Democrat approved by the Greater Israel lobby.
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I see the seeds of totalitarianism of the Left in the disdain for the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization.
I am happy to see the IDEA of socialism in the air and on the air . But on the whole what passes for left wing politics today in the United States and in Europe is darkened by the shadow of Stalinism.
Real SOCIALISM does not need TRUE BELIEVERS and robot souls devoted to some permanent GREAT LEADER ( often with a very private capitalist bank account ).
This irrepressible scorn for Christians and Christianity on the Left ( especially on the sectarian Marxist Left ) will keep it marginalized for many more decades.
How many Leftists here will BOLDLY assert that a MAN is a MAN and a WOMAN is a WOMAN ? ( that it is morally repugnant for a mother to UNSEX her child ? ) Much of the Left has even abandoned objective reality.
The shock will come when " Hitler " Trump is re-elected by a landslide . The MASSES are certainly not about to vote for or discover any effete " socialist " third party.
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The mummified sectarian Marxist Left cannot seem to hide its New Atheism bias. The biggest mistake of the Russian Bolshevik Revolution was to declare its state - with obscene quickness - " officially atheist ".
The so called Left today is actually drifting into a FASCIST Anti-Fa political perspective. In seeing Donald Trump as the root of all evil in " OUR democracy " it is setting itself up to support some establishment " liberal " Democrat approved by the Greater Israel lobby.
As a longtime independent democratic socialist I see the seeds of totalitarianism of the Left in the disdain for the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization.
I am happy to see the IDEA of socialism in the air and on the air . But on the whole what passes for left wing politics today in the United States and in Europe is darkened by the shadow of Stalinism.
This irrepressible scorn for Christians and Christianity on the Left ( especially on the sectarian Marxist Left ) will keep it marginalized for many more decades.
How many Leftists here will BOLDLY assert that a MAN is a MAN and a WOMAN is a WOMAN ? ( that it is morally repugnant for a mother to UNSEX her child ? ) Much of the Left has even abandoned objective reality.
The shock will come when " Hitler " Trump is re-elected by a landslide . The MASSES are certainly not about to vote for or discover any effete " socialist " third party.