Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
So many human RATS does capitalist America breed !
[Tillerson reiterated that the US “will not accept a nuclear-armed North Korea” and called for tougher measures. ] Why -oh-why-should the world accept a nuclear armed United States or a nuclear armed Israel - if they want the " lesser s--t hole " nations to remain without the truly wonderful " protection " of these END THE WORLD weapons ?
Not one HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism Democrat is outspoken on the very real threat of World War III.
The millions of good people who proudly call themselves SOCIALIST should at least try to connect and build bridges to the SILENCED working class majority. A guy like Eugene V. Debs could appeal to millions long before the social media . He never sounded like a dried up academic socialist professor of " labor history ".
Honest socialists should stop talking only to themselves - in an atmosphere of country club comfort. I do recall an old ,dedicated American Communist Party hack saying : " WE want a comfortable revolution ". Her male comrade ( in many ways a commendable fighter for the working class ) seemed to believe in " socialism in one neighborhood " in middle age. But as a young man, inspired by the Russian Revolution, he fought in Spain in the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.
WE democratic socialists encourage working people to shed any servility before the master class and its numerous lackeys. ( So many human RATS does capitalist America breed ! ).
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