Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Monday, January 29, 2018
Ayn Rand Atheists in the USA want to rule the world ?
These Ayn Rand loving atheists have a terrible fear of death . They will never see the face of God ; they can only experience the coldness, the blackness, the emptiness of inter-galactic space - where HOPE is measured at ABSOLUTE ZERO !
Dr. Sam Harris belongs to the " holy trinity " of the New Atheists which included the late Christopher Hitchens , author of " God Is Not Great .... how religion poisons everything ". Hitchens supported the criminal invasion and occupation of Iraq- making for a MOST STABLE WORLD today. Nice to know that the charming " New Atheists " have been embraced by the U.S. military propagandists. Most of America is still Christian !
All your " education " is in the service of an evil empire capitalist economic system. You have so much to lose by telling us your real name ? You are not a Christian. You are not very humble. You have no social conscience. So I picture you as an Ayn Rand Zionist, " Father Nelson." Where do I ever brag about my education or income ? Democratic socialists are rather modest here.
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