Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Thursday, May 4, 2017
A feminist " death wish " for Bernie Sanders ?
The Strain Of "Feminism" That Wants Bernie Dead . Carmen Rios REALLY wants Bernie Sanders dead. Nomiki Konst, Jimmy Dore, and Michael Tracey, hosts of The Young Turks, discuss. Tell us what you think in the comment section below. http://
There were no enthusiastic crowds for " Wall St. Hillary ", " Hawk Hillary " in 2016 presidential election. The " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders and the right wing nationalist Donald Trump at least communicated a clear message to working class Americans. As a democratic socialist myself I have noted for years now the vicious nature of neo-liberal " identity politics ". It only helps petty bourgeois opportunists advance themselves on a platform pandering to race, gender, and sexual orientation. The American ruling class has found " identity politics " an often effective way to bludgeon CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS. Don't blame Vladimir Putin for depriving us of the gift of Hillary as Commander in Chief of World War III .
The working class Left represented by the World Socialist Web Site has always rejected the premises of the DNC based " identity politics ".
Also it seems to me that Ayn Rand Thought, " The Virtue of Selfishness " together with her militant Zionism, has more influence on the far right presently than the Christian fundamentalism of the Reagan Era.
Comments that are courteous, concise and relevant are always welcome, whether or not they agree with the views expressed here or not. Profanity is not necessary. Thank you for reading “Time Enough At Last!”