Monday, May 15, 2017

Discussion on WBUR 

WannaCry Ransomware: Microsoft Calls Out NSA For 'Stockpiling' Vulnerabilities

In the light of this cyber crime how can our so called INTELLIGENCE be so cocksure about " Russian " based hacking ?

Only the US military has the right to a nuclear arsenal and long range missile delivery systems ?

Only the US spy agencies have a right to the " know how " to disrupt computers systems around the world ?

But can the mainstream news media in the United States stupefy the public so well that they will not even question Big Brother ?

 " [Among the claims made to support the allegations against Moscow was that the hacking of the Democrats was so sophisticated that it could have been carried out only by a state actor. In a campaign to demonize Russia, Moscow’s alleged hacking was cast as a threat to the entire planet.
Western security agencies have acknowledged that the present global cyberattack—among the worst ever of its kind—is the work not of any state agency, but rather of a criminal organization. Moreover, the roots of the attack lie not in Moscow, but in Washington. The “WannaCrypt” malware employed in the attack is based on weaponized software developed by the NSA, code-named Eternal Blue, part of a bundle of documents and computer code stolen from the NSA’s server and then leaked by a hacking group known as “Shadow Brokers.”] "   ( World Socialist Web Site )

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