What was once THE WORLD is now being called McWorld by
keen observers of our consumer culture. The McNews reports the
big story of the day: McDonald's may soon be serving its McCustomers
a different Mcburger. I am reminded of the Classic Coke fiasco.
Don't mess with success ! Or in this case, don't mess with a
mess. I'm one of those soon to be OBSOLETE baby boomers who
remember what REAL hamburgers tasted like -and smelled like as
they sizzled on the grill of the friendly, neighborhood Greasy Spoon.
McWorld is taking EVERY nostalgic memory away from us !
I can now identify with that character in the Twilight Zone episode:
" Walking Distance ". Imagine just being able to walk back into
the saner and safer world( ??? ) of 1959 !
But the McWorld news can only tell me that the monsters
are due on Maple Street.
It seems that McPeople are terribly worried about
clones - HUMAN clones. McPeople at least are alike everywhere -
as alike as McDonald's hamburgers !
Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Tuesday, December 31, 2002
Friday, December 27, 2002
Graceless on Christmas Eve ( WHJJ )
I make no claim to being a pious soul myself . But
often enough the VILLAGE ATHEIST type annoys me. Or was he just
another jerk in the entertainment business ? I am talking about
the TALK RADIO fill in for smart,congenial, and popular Arlene
Violet on Christmas Eve ( WHJJ ).
Of course the lines went dead. It is one thing to be
intelligently and politely controversial. It is quite another thing
to be obnoxious and downright TOXIC.
Imagine a guy who finds fault with the humane sentiment:
" There but for the grace of God go I " !
A guy who scolds people for not giving a hard earned 20
dollar bill to a hopeless derelict.
A guy who seems to believe that every religious person who
believes in a GOOD God is a dimwit.
TALK RADIO is an art form , not just a forum for cranks.
And that guy -who even maliciously mispronounced Arlene Violet's
name - should be shown the door.
Believing that EVIL is just EGO, he was hardly egoless
himself in thinking the majority of his listeners morons in their
religious faith.
As a ratings gimmick in your face PROFUNDITY flunks
Rudeness and disrespect should not be the norm for
Carl Sagan handled the science vs. faith controversy
with great tact and sensitivity. View the movie " Contact " or
read the novel.
Sunday, December 15, 2002
A Lott of distraction
If I were a Republican, I would feel free to comment
on how to punish Trent Lott for his " Gone With The Wind " nostalgia
for the dead past of the Old South. Clearly those days of accepted
segregation of black people and respectable racism can NEVER come
But ironically the most beloved black militant, Malcolm
X, for most of his Black Muslim career, preached just this: black
separatism. And he had a keen nose for sniffing out Jewish " control "
or influence in the civil rights movement. It escaped him until his
last days that liberal and radical Jews were just naturally empathetic
to the oppressed, to the victims of all forms of discrimination.
Today phony Democrats will try to make a lot of political
hay out of Trent Lott 's party time drivel.It is only human to
indulge the idiosyncrasies of a 100 year old LOYAL son of the
South ( also an old SOB ! )
It takes more political courage to tell the whole country
on the floor of the Senate or the House that HEALTH CARE is a basic
human right than to beat the dead horse of an OUTLAWED racism.
But few Democrats are champions of WORKING CLASS
America. " Political correctness " is a just a cheap way of
seeming PROGRESSIVE while millions of working class people -of
ALL races and ethnic groups - are on the edge of the social abyss !
What matters to our more RESPONSIBLE leaders is the
sacred illusion of democracy. Just replace RACE with CLASS and
a lot of Malcolm 's more wild rhetoric make great sense.
Just for the record, I voted for Ralph Nader.
on how to punish Trent Lott for his " Gone With The Wind " nostalgia
for the dead past of the Old South. Clearly those days of accepted
segregation of black people and respectable racism can NEVER come
But ironically the most beloved black militant, Malcolm
X, for most of his Black Muslim career, preached just this: black
separatism. And he had a keen nose for sniffing out Jewish " control "
or influence in the civil rights movement. It escaped him until his
last days that liberal and radical Jews were just naturally empathetic
to the oppressed, to the victims of all forms of discrimination.
Today phony Democrats will try to make a lot of political
hay out of Trent Lott 's party time drivel.It is only human to
indulge the idiosyncrasies of a 100 year old LOYAL son of the
South ( also an old SOB ! )
It takes more political courage to tell the whole country
on the floor of the Senate or the House that HEALTH CARE is a basic
human right than to beat the dead horse of an OUTLAWED racism.
But few Democrats are champions of WORKING CLASS
America. " Political correctness " is a just a cheap way of
seeming PROGRESSIVE while millions of working class people -of
ALL races and ethnic groups - are on the edge of the social abyss !
What matters to our more RESPONSIBLE leaders is the
sacred illusion of democracy. Just replace RACE with CLASS and
a lot of Malcolm 's more wild rhetoric make great sense.
Just for the record, I voted for Ralph Nader.
Friday, December 13, 2002
I am not neurotically annoyed by too many things. But
perhaps middle age has made the sense of disgust -unlike the other
vital senses -more acute. I hear more things in hell, to be sure.
I often fantasize about ridding myself of the damm TV
forever. But I am too attached to the VCR -which is blessedly free
of noisy, dumb, and obnoxious commercials.
I must catch the morning news on Channel 10. What I can't
stand - and don't understand - is the very beginning of the program
where the cameras always zoom in on the screaming-hyenas - FANS - of
Katy and Matt, I guess . How can they be so infantile over a moment
of media attention ?
What a contrast between the nightmare news and the
demeanor of the celebrity news people - ( they ooze narcissism ) -
and the bestial FANS in the street.
The Providence horror writer H.P Lovecraft got it right
about the future of humanity. A decayed species will inherit the
earth. Public education gives most kids a vocabulary of 100 words
- BASIC ENGLISH. A dismal future for the newspaper business !
perhaps middle age has made the sense of disgust -unlike the other
vital senses -more acute. I hear more things in hell, to be sure.
I often fantasize about ridding myself of the damm TV
forever. But I am too attached to the VCR -which is blessedly free
of noisy, dumb, and obnoxious commercials.
I must catch the morning news on Channel 10. What I can't
stand - and don't understand - is the very beginning of the program
where the cameras always zoom in on the screaming-hyenas - FANS - of
Katy and Matt, I guess . How can they be so infantile over a moment
of media attention ?
What a contrast between the nightmare news and the
demeanor of the celebrity news people - ( they ooze narcissism ) -
and the bestial FANS in the street.
The Providence horror writer H.P Lovecraft got it right
about the future of humanity. A decayed species will inherit the
earth. Public education gives most kids a vocabulary of 100 words
- BASIC ENGLISH. A dismal future for the newspaper business !
Thursday, December 12, 2002
Trent Lott and words, words, words !
I am as far removed from Trent Lott politically as an ordinary,
law-abiding American can be. I voted for Ralph Nader. Presently IT SEEMS
that Lott is condemned by his own words as a die hard ,incorrigible,
OLD FASHIONED racist. But put brainless emotions aside, and what do you
really have here ? A talk a lot politico who -not running out of gas-
blew it all out the wrong hole.
Trent Lott is not a little obnoxious for liberal types.
But words must be judged in their context and in the context of a
man's whole life. Not a few black activists speak derogatively of
Jews in " Hymie Town ". But that does not make them Nazis - just the
jerks of the moment.
FREE SPEECH must permit all of us to make fools out of ourselves
now and then without being completely ruined.
Reactionary ideas must be challenged by rational, humane
ideas -not by the smothering atmosphere of political correctness.
The Left -in general - has little to teach the Right about
free speech and -often enough - common decency !
To think that all Southern whites are KKK sympathizers
is as stupid as thinking all Italian-Americans love the Mafia !
Don't think the South has not CHANGED profoundly in the
last 50 years. It most certainly does not send die hard racists to
the U.S. Senate or to the House.
But there are too many old generals around on both sides
always living in the past - in THEIR glory days.
In his heart Trent Lott may have as much affection for
blacks as old Joe Kennedy had for Jews. But BUSINESS has a way of
keeping lunacies in check. And most liberals still don't believe
Why not suspect most of our leaders of being NICE GUYS -
whatever their political philosophy ?
law-abiding American can be. I voted for Ralph Nader. Presently IT SEEMS
that Lott is condemned by his own words as a die hard ,incorrigible,
OLD FASHIONED racist. But put brainless emotions aside, and what do you
really have here ? A talk a lot politico who -not running out of gas-
blew it all out the wrong hole.
Trent Lott is not a little obnoxious for liberal types.
But words must be judged in their context and in the context of a
man's whole life. Not a few black activists speak derogatively of
Jews in " Hymie Town ". But that does not make them Nazis - just the
jerks of the moment.
FREE SPEECH must permit all of us to make fools out of ourselves
now and then without being completely ruined.
Reactionary ideas must be challenged by rational, humane
ideas -not by the smothering atmosphere of political correctness.
The Left -in general - has little to teach the Right about
free speech and -often enough - common decency !
To think that all Southern whites are KKK sympathizers
is as stupid as thinking all Italian-Americans love the Mafia !
Don't think the South has not CHANGED profoundly in the
last 50 years. It most certainly does not send die hard racists to
the U.S. Senate or to the House.
But there are too many old generals around on both sides
always living in the past - in THEIR glory days.
In his heart Trent Lott may have as much affection for
blacks as old Joe Kennedy had for Jews. But BUSINESS has a way of
keeping lunacies in check. And most liberals still don't believe
Why not suspect most of our leaders of being NICE GUYS -
whatever their political philosophy ?
Wednesday, December 11, 2002
The whole country now knows that Cranston, R.I. is a big
mess- with the lowest bond rating in the nation, now even lower after
our Honest Abe mayor, Stephen Laffey ( I like him ! ) expressed his
own " depressing assessment " ( PROJO editorial, Dec.10- " An honest BB ")
The economic situation here makes even passing through hazardous
to your health. For example, if you are lying injured on a busy main
street like Reservoir Ave, don't expect the police or an ambulance to
come to your rescue. And don't expect them to investigate what happened
to you. And don't expect them to help you with a gargantuan medical bill.
And for the bigger picture here in R.I, I will say that the
Ocean State has literally gone to the dogs. Vicious dogs own most of
our urban streets. And they are now beginning to announce their presence
in once idyllic rural Rhode Island.
The visitors to the Ocean State are more likely to encounter Cujo
here than Jaws.
Perhaps Governor Carcieri will improve the situation. Was not
THAT his campaign slogan : RHODE ISLAND IS GOING TO THE DOGS ?
And he won ! Good luck and God bless him.
Friday, December 6, 2002
Humbug in Warwick
Allergic to the very spirit of Christmas, a Warwick Fire
Dept. dispatcher destroyed a co-worker's decorations - wanting
" a Christmas free work-place ". A direct descendent of one Ebenezer
Scrooge - not yet visited by ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and
Future ? Or did he just forget those little " helper " pills that
get millions of normally decent people through the JOYOUS season ?
To be sure, the spirit of consumerism poisons the season
for the most good natured amongst us. If I were a radio personality,
I would read to the kids this poem on the night before Christmas:
" Howl " by the Jewish beatnik A. Ginsberg. THEN I would offer
the music of Bach as a sedative.
Don't be too hard on that cheerless dispatcher: Tis a very
stressful time of year. Perhaps Santa Claus will give us a brand new
casino for Christmas. Never lose hope !
Dept. dispatcher destroyed a co-worker's decorations - wanting
" a Christmas free work-place ". A direct descendent of one Ebenezer
Scrooge - not yet visited by ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and
Future ? Or did he just forget those little " helper " pills that
get millions of normally decent people through the JOYOUS season ?
To be sure, the spirit of consumerism poisons the season
for the most good natured amongst us. If I were a radio personality,
I would read to the kids this poem on the night before Christmas:
" Howl " by the Jewish beatnik A. Ginsberg. THEN I would offer
the music of Bach as a sedative.
Don't be too hard on that cheerless dispatcher: Tis a very
stressful time of year. Perhaps Santa Claus will give us a brand new
casino for Christmas. Never lose hope !
Sunday, December 1, 2002
Book award like a beauty contest ?
The phony Wizard of Oz is showing up everywhere in our
culture. A Nobel Prize winner -who did deserve it - writes that
he learned this simple truth while still a fresh faced graduate
student : There are no wise old men behind magnificent doors looking
after us ! The President, the Pope, the King, the Celebrity -all are
as clueless as we are. But everywhere we are bamboozled by GREAT
Now it seems that even THE GREAT AUTHOR may be just
another humbug. A judge for the National Book Award confesses
that it was simply impossible for him to read all those books
he pretended to read.
I guess books are judged by their cover. But beauty
contests are more honest: Nobody pretends that those half naked
BROADS can also qualify for MENSA.
It looks like some kid in the library was assigned: " Profiles
in Courage ". Not the scholarly type himself,I suspect . But someday
-with the help of steroids - he just might win the Super Bowl for
the New England Patriots.
That Holden kid in " Catcher in the Rye " got it right about
all the phonies out there !
Now I must buy all those Christmas cards for dear
friends and relatives. Don't forget the boss !
culture. A Nobel Prize winner -who did deserve it - writes that
he learned this simple truth while still a fresh faced graduate
student : There are no wise old men behind magnificent doors looking
after us ! The President, the Pope, the King, the Celebrity -all are
as clueless as we are. But everywhere we are bamboozled by GREAT
Now it seems that even THE GREAT AUTHOR may be just
another humbug. A judge for the National Book Award confesses
that it was simply impossible for him to read all those books
he pretended to read.
I guess books are judged by their cover. But beauty
contests are more honest: Nobody pretends that those half naked
BROADS can also qualify for MENSA.
It looks like some kid in the library was assigned: " Profiles
in Courage ". Not the scholarly type himself,I suspect . But someday
-with the help of steroids - he just might win the Super Bowl for
the New England Patriots.
That Holden kid in " Catcher in the Rye " got it right about
all the phonies out there !
Now I must buy all those Christmas cards for dear
friends and relatives. Don't forget the boss !
Saturday, November 30, 2002
Nice lady can't afford a mammogram ?
TV news was interviewing Americans hit suddenly by hard times.
You don't need the imagination of Charles Dickens to picture their
daily challenges. One lady -perhaps comfortably and safely middle
class- had lost her health insurance. " I can't afford a mammogram ",
she said. Every hospital in the country should be available to this
woman - and millions more without health insurance. And without
pitiful pleas for help. This truth should sink into the moral
consciousness of America: Health care is human right!
How odd that car insurance is compulsory but the very
idea of a national health care plan raises conservative eye brows.
It is impractical to think health care can be absolutely
FREE for everybody. But we can begin by making it more affordable
for everybody. The one truly GREAT Kennedy, Senator Ted, has been
keeping this idea alive. God bless him for it !
Most medical doctors see themselves as professionals-not
plastic hearted shop keepers. The GOOD doctor is eager to help
sick people get well again -whatever their economic status.
I believe a national health care plan will also
eliminate the terror of nasty law suits.
And nobody who ends up in a hospital accident room
should be rudely quizzed - while in a high anxiety state of
mind -about their financial resources.
" What, no blue cross ? I guess you'll just have
to drop dead ! "
You don't need the imagination of Charles Dickens to picture their
daily challenges. One lady -perhaps comfortably and safely middle
class- had lost her health insurance. " I can't afford a mammogram ",
she said. Every hospital in the country should be available to this
woman - and millions more without health insurance. And without
pitiful pleas for help. This truth should sink into the moral
consciousness of America: Health care is human right!
How odd that car insurance is compulsory but the very
idea of a national health care plan raises conservative eye brows.
It is impractical to think health care can be absolutely
FREE for everybody. But we can begin by making it more affordable
for everybody. The one truly GREAT Kennedy, Senator Ted, has been
keeping this idea alive. God bless him for it !
Most medical doctors see themselves as professionals-not
plastic hearted shop keepers. The GOOD doctor is eager to help
sick people get well again -whatever their economic status.
I believe a national health care plan will also
eliminate the terror of nasty law suits.
And nobody who ends up in a hospital accident room
should be rudely quizzed - while in a high anxiety state of
mind -about their financial resources.
" What, no blue cross ? I guess you'll just have
to drop dead ! "
Sunday, November 24, 2002
KIDS IN PRISON on Discovery Channel
Ask the whole world: HAVE YOU NO SHAME ? That's what I
thought while watching a Discovery Channel documentary- a world-wide
perspective on kids in prison, in Texas, in Britain, in Russia, in
Brazil ( most horrible of all ! ). This is indeed the stuff for a
United Nations report, for Amnesty International.
Not for nothing I decided more than 20 years ago that
I never want to bring children into this abominable little world !
You do not need a PHD in sociology to see the common denominator
in their lives ( with few exceptions ): They had wickedness to choose
ignorant paupers for parents !
One kid says : " If I'm living on the street -and I don't
steal- I'll starve ! ". But he promises his crying -dying - old
mother ( prematurely old ? ) that he'll be a GOOD BOY when he gets
out of that hell.
How does their society attempt to REFORM them ? By pure
terror, fear of AUTHORITY (" You forget to say SIR, punk ! " )
To SIR with love : Get a life. Too bad for you to miss out
on the Nazi thing !
All the other people who deal with these kids -if not
evil and well intentioned - look like comfortable, well fed,
petty bourgeois bureaucrats -with hearts of pure plastic.
How many of these kids have a future in terrorism ?
thought while watching a Discovery Channel documentary- a world-wide
perspective on kids in prison, in Texas, in Britain, in Russia, in
Brazil ( most horrible of all ! ). This is indeed the stuff for a
United Nations report, for Amnesty International.
Not for nothing I decided more than 20 years ago that
I never want to bring children into this abominable little world !
You do not need a PHD in sociology to see the common denominator
in their lives ( with few exceptions ): They had wickedness to choose
ignorant paupers for parents !
One kid says : " If I'm living on the street -and I don't
steal- I'll starve ! ". But he promises his crying -dying - old
mother ( prematurely old ? ) that he'll be a GOOD BOY when he gets
out of that hell.
How does their society attempt to REFORM them ? By pure
terror, fear of AUTHORITY (" You forget to say SIR, punk ! " )
To SIR with love : Get a life. Too bad for you to miss out
on the Nazi thing !
All the other people who deal with these kids -if not
evil and well intentioned - look like comfortable, well fed,
petty bourgeois bureaucrats -with hearts of pure plastic.
How many of these kids have a future in terrorism ?
Saturday, November 23, 2002
Praise R.I. Congressmen on Cianci help
I like Arlene Violet but I can only praise our Rhode
congressmen, Kennedy and Langevin, for trying to help our " Buddy "
find a constrained residence closer to home and to his troubled
daughter. EQUALITY for me does not mean equality in meanness.
Just because there is great injustice in our prison
system, that is no excuse to treat relatively privileged persons
with undue meanness -when they fall from grace.
The Cianci trial was more blunder-dome than plunder-dome.
Just how much did " Buddy " steal and where did the money go ? Facts
and figures count for something in the world of science. I guess the
LAW is rather womanish, emotions decide the fate of people.
As for Cianci's relationship with his daughter, family matters
are not easily or fairly judged by outsiders. LOVE is often two-faced
and ambivalent. The LAW does not recognize HUMANITY anymore. It has
become an inhuman punishing machine crushing millions of lives.
The LAW is an ass !
congressmen, Kennedy and Langevin, for trying to help our " Buddy "
find a constrained residence closer to home and to his troubled
daughter. EQUALITY for me does not mean equality in meanness.
Just because there is great injustice in our prison
system, that is no excuse to treat relatively privileged persons
with undue meanness -when they fall from grace.
The Cianci trial was more blunder-dome than plunder-dome.
Just how much did " Buddy " steal and where did the money go ? Facts
and figures count for something in the world of science. I guess the
LAW is rather womanish, emotions decide the fate of people.
As for Cianci's relationship with his daughter, family matters
are not easily or fairly judged by outsiders. LOVE is often two-faced
and ambivalent. The LAW does not recognize HUMANITY anymore. It has
become an inhuman punishing machine crushing millions of lives.
The LAW is an ass !
Sunday, November 17, 2002
Egyptian TV and a mummified prejudice
Without seeing an English language version of the controversial
Egyptian TV drama - which, they say, gives a certain credibility
to a mummified prejudice, that there is a Jewish conspiracy to dominate
the world - I cannot condemn it. But I know this much about American
TV: it rots the brain and corrupts the soul. I guess everywhere the
damn boob tube is busy 24 hours of the day making monkeys out of
human beings.
Here is a possible location for the international Jewish
conspiracy: the public library. I cannot fail to observe that Jews
read more books and write more books than other people. By ridding
the world of the " Jewish conspiracy ", civilization will be the
loser, and humanity in general all but lobotomized.
Here is a Darwinian explanation for the " clever Jew " :
If a people is hounded for centuries - how else should you treat
Christ killers ? - the clever ones are more likely to survive
and teach the tricks of the trade to threatened kin.
I'm still trying to figure out why people think Communism
was a Jewish conspiracy. An alternative plan to rule the world ?
But what ingenious flexibility !
Egyptian TV drama - which, they say, gives a certain credibility
to a mummified prejudice, that there is a Jewish conspiracy to dominate
the world - I cannot condemn it. But I know this much about American
TV: it rots the brain and corrupts the soul. I guess everywhere the
damn boob tube is busy 24 hours of the day making monkeys out of
human beings.
Here is a possible location for the international Jewish
conspiracy: the public library. I cannot fail to observe that Jews
read more books and write more books than other people. By ridding
the world of the " Jewish conspiracy ", civilization will be the
loser, and humanity in general all but lobotomized.
Here is a Darwinian explanation for the " clever Jew " :
If a people is hounded for centuries - how else should you treat
Christ killers ? - the clever ones are more likely to survive
and teach the tricks of the trade to threatened kin.
I'm still trying to figure out why people think Communism
was a Jewish conspiracy. An alternative plan to rule the world ?
But what ingenious flexibility !
Friday, November 15, 2002
Support British firefighter's strike
I just read the AP story about the nationwide strike of
some 50,000 British firefighters. Knowing something about the moral
and ideological degeneration of the Labor Party, I am not surprised
to read these British firefighters -no less heroic than NYC's finest-
have a bitter foe in Prime Minister Tony Blair: " There is no government
on earth that could yield to such a claim , " he says. I wonder:
just what can a LABOR government do for LABOR ? The answer , I see,
is right on the same page : " Drinkers raised their glasses to
Prime Minister Tony Blair yesterday after his government announced
plans to let pubs stay open later ".
Drinkers of the world unite. You have nothing to lose
but your change !
A REAL revolutionary, Leon Trotsky, ridiculed the likes of
Tony Blair many decades ago : " The ideal socialist leader for
successful dentists " . What they all have in common is a genuine
horror of CLASS STRUGGLE. When a LABOR government crushes a strike,
it is responsible statesmanship; when the workers fight back it's
odious class warfare.
Global capitalism has become the opium of a " respectable "
Labor Party which cannot stir up a tempest in a teapot !
I say to the American workers : Support the British
firefighters strike !
some 50,000 British firefighters. Knowing something about the moral
and ideological degeneration of the Labor Party, I am not surprised
to read these British firefighters -no less heroic than NYC's finest-
have a bitter foe in Prime Minister Tony Blair: " There is no government
on earth that could yield to such a claim , " he says. I wonder:
just what can a LABOR government do for LABOR ? The answer , I see,
is right on the same page : " Drinkers raised their glasses to
Prime Minister Tony Blair yesterday after his government announced
plans to let pubs stay open later ".
Drinkers of the world unite. You have nothing to lose
but your change !
A REAL revolutionary, Leon Trotsky, ridiculed the likes of
Tony Blair many decades ago : " The ideal socialist leader for
successful dentists " . What they all have in common is a genuine
horror of CLASS STRUGGLE. When a LABOR government crushes a strike,
it is responsible statesmanship; when the workers fight back it's
odious class warfare.
Global capitalism has become the opium of a " respectable "
Labor Party which cannot stir up a tempest in a teapot !
I say to the American workers : Support the British
firefighters strike !
Thursday, November 14, 2002
Bribed journalism at its worse
n bold print a courageous Boston Herald columnist, Thomas M. Keane Jr.,
puts in a kind word for the despicable class of greedy slumlords- who
have made homelessness a plague : " Rent control feels good... because
its only foes, property owners, are few in number and easily demonized "
( Nov.13 column : " It's just low rent political posturing " )
I guess this was also true of Southern slave owners before
the Civil War. They were few in number compared to the their black
slaves. Moralizing bullies from the North shamelessly DEMONIZED
them. But this OPPRESSED minority knew how to put the fear of God
into the slave class. If they did not like slavery, they could just
find another master, move to a different plantation. Oh the sting
of ingratitude !
As for the poor and the working class - " low rent " types -
they should praise the Lord -or the LAND-LORD - for housing them.
Nothing deplorable about handing dee Lord the bulk of
your monthly income. Dee Lord is always there for the rent but
always out of town when dee damn toilet don't flush !
Just a daydream : " Praise dee Lord and pass the munition ! "
When " property owners... are few in number ", there is something
wrong with DEMOCRATIC capitalism.
And demons are easily demonized, to be sure !
puts in a kind word for the despicable class of greedy slumlords- who
have made homelessness a plague : " Rent control feels good... because
its only foes, property owners, are few in number and easily demonized "
( Nov.13 column : " It's just low rent political posturing " )
I guess this was also true of Southern slave owners before
the Civil War. They were few in number compared to the their black
slaves. Moralizing bullies from the North shamelessly DEMONIZED
them. But this OPPRESSED minority knew how to put the fear of God
into the slave class. If they did not like slavery, they could just
find another master, move to a different plantation. Oh the sting
of ingratitude !
As for the poor and the working class - " low rent " types -
they should praise the Lord -or the LAND-LORD - for housing them.
Nothing deplorable about handing dee Lord the bulk of
your monthly income. Dee Lord is always there for the rent but
always out of town when dee damn toilet don't flush !
Just a daydream : " Praise dee Lord and pass the munition ! "
When " property owners... are few in number ", there is something
wrong with DEMOCRATIC capitalism.
And demons are easily demonized, to be sure !
Wednesday, November 13, 2002
Popular Rule as foolish as tyranny ?
The days after an election put the unhappy voters or non-
voters in a pensive mood. I was not very interested in ivory tower
political cogitations, but I now realize that the deep thinkers in
our culture must rethink the very meaning of DEMOCRACY.
A little thinking will reveal that direct popular democracy
can be as disastrous for a people as the rule of a narrow minded
oligarchy. On just what questions and issues can a mathematical
majority claim more wisdom than the informed minority and a tiny
number of specialists in every field of knowledge ?
For example, what can I possibly know about Iraq's real
intentions -belligerent or otherwise ? Or, what does it matter
what the majority of voters think on the REALITY of global warming ?
Should we consult a kind old socialist about a complex
problem of international finance ?
A person elected to high office in the United States must
somehow manage to be a voice for his constituents AND a LEADER - in
a position to explore issues more deeply.
Popular wisdom can predominate -perhaps - in one area: on
the general distribution of wealth and resources in a society. Here
COMPROMISE is always possible: A " bum " in the street might ask you
for 5 bucks. You are inclined to give him nothing or a quarter. Then
you recognize him as a truly needy person - of the worthy poor. You
give him 3 bucks and a " good luck " wish.
The Hubble telescope is a gift to all mankind -even if
it took pennies away from every pauper in the country.
A man is a man even in the gutter: He looks up at heavens
with wonder. A wonderful picture of the infant universe is even more
inspirational than a cigarette and a cup of coffee.
Even in the gutter the bum dreams dreams !
Sunday, November 10, 2002
Long-hair and crypto-homophobia ( Fortunato ruling )
A nice kid in a private Catholic school thinks his long hair
style is really just his own business -and does little to subvert
the education process there. The matter -sadly- gets settled in a
Rhode Island court room: the kid can keep his idiosyncratic hair
style - a small patch of free turf in a highly regimented little
world. Thank God here for that " er-eccentric " Judge Fortunato !
( see PROJO editorial ).
Consider the crypto sexism -or subtle homophobia here :
Imagine a girl in a private school being told her hair is too long!
Where can they draw the line ? Not at the barber shop !
Looking at myself right now, I could pass for an aging 60s
hippie. But I have a good excuse to avoid the barber shop- apart
from making a rebellious STATEMENT: I am getting cheaper and
barbers are getting nosier !
At age 55 some guys would LOVE to have a long hair
problem.Eat your hearts out skin heads !
UNPRINTABLE : ( And they respond: " go to hell, faggot ! " )
The 60s have been overbashed. Nice to be ALIVE back then.
But don't expect to see my name in the POLICE LOG :
" Cranston man busted for LSD possession ".
Even back then my rebellion was confined... er to my
style is really just his own business -and does little to subvert
the education process there. The matter -sadly- gets settled in a
Rhode Island court room: the kid can keep his idiosyncratic hair
style - a small patch of free turf in a highly regimented little
world. Thank God here for that " er-eccentric " Judge Fortunato !
( see PROJO editorial ).
Consider the crypto sexism -or subtle homophobia here :
Imagine a girl in a private school being told her hair is too long!
Where can they draw the line ? Not at the barber shop !
Looking at myself right now, I could pass for an aging 60s
hippie. But I have a good excuse to avoid the barber shop- apart
from making a rebellious STATEMENT: I am getting cheaper and
barbers are getting nosier !
At age 55 some guys would LOVE to have a long hair
problem.Eat your hearts out skin heads !
UNPRINTABLE : ( And they respond: " go to hell, faggot ! " )
The 60s have been overbashed. Nice to be ALIVE back then.
But don't expect to see my name in the POLICE LOG :
" Cranston man busted for LSD possession ".
Even back then my rebellion was confined... er to my
Thursday, November 7, 2002
Post election blues ?
Bob, I just read your column. I am not ashamed to confess that
I just could not get myself to vote for ANYBODY in this election.
The negativity was horrendous. Every candidate's opponent was a moral
monster -or a dangerous weirdo. I KNEW Myth York would lose with that
shameless TV ad making a fiend out of the affable Don Carcieri.
No wonder politics in America no longer attracts the best
and the brightest. What type of people want the public to fall in love
with them on the basis of short introduction and vapid and asinine TV
and radio sound bites ?
I personally feel more affinity for the 1950s beatniks - BEAT -
than left wing politicos or phony 60s flower children. But I abhor the
FAR RIGHT. But the Left in general should rethink the gospel of political
I feel sorry for those loser political hacks who invest their
heart and soul -and future - on a the sham democracy of the political
circus. I might have voted for the Cool Moose character - he had the
right idea.
I just could not get myself to vote for ANYBODY in this election.
The negativity was horrendous. Every candidate's opponent was a moral
monster -or a dangerous weirdo. I KNEW Myth York would lose with that
shameless TV ad making a fiend out of the affable Don Carcieri.
No wonder politics in America no longer attracts the best
and the brightest. What type of people want the public to fall in love
with them on the basis of short introduction and vapid and asinine TV
and radio sound bites ?
I personally feel more affinity for the 1950s beatniks - BEAT -
than left wing politicos or phony 60s flower children. But I abhor the
FAR RIGHT. But the Left in general should rethink the gospel of political
I feel sorry for those loser political hacks who invest their
heart and soul -and future - on a the sham democracy of the political
circus. I might have voted for the Cool Moose character - he had the
right idea.
Wednesday, November 6, 2002
A merit badge for bigotry ?
I just read about the outstanding boy scout whose militant
atheism has got him evicted from the organization. A lesson in
Civics 101 if he ever wants to run for political office: IN YOUR
FACE contempt for popular prejudice is usually paid for with
defeat or ostracism.
Talking or writing to people with power in this country
is lot like talking to a horse's ass. Still it is not futile.
Even hopeless philistines are at least entertained by unorthodoxy.
I think if the kid were wiser and the Boy Scouts were
wiser this embarrassing situation could have been handled more
felicitously. The kid could have been asked to write an original
essay on the conflict between Science and Faith - and how it is
only human to try to square the circle. He should realize that it
is indeed necessary to respect religion in a multi-cultural world.
Then the Boy Scouts should have awarded him a Religion
merit badge at a scout ceremony. Sort of like the president
awarding Frank Sinatra the Medal of Freedom ! But hey, he just
did it all his way !
A good way to be POPULAR is not to take ourselves
too seriously. Once Isaac Asimov, a popular science writer - of
the HUMANIST faith -was cornered on this sensitive issue of
God's existence: " Hey, why can't God just find me ? " he
atheism has got him evicted from the organization. A lesson in
Civics 101 if he ever wants to run for political office: IN YOUR
FACE contempt for popular prejudice is usually paid for with
defeat or ostracism.
Talking or writing to people with power in this country
is lot like talking to a horse's ass. Still it is not futile.
Even hopeless philistines are at least entertained by unorthodoxy.
I think if the kid were wiser and the Boy Scouts were
wiser this embarrassing situation could have been handled more
felicitously. The kid could have been asked to write an original
essay on the conflict between Science and Faith - and how it is
only human to try to square the circle. He should realize that it
is indeed necessary to respect religion in a multi-cultural world.
Then the Boy Scouts should have awarded him a Religion
merit badge at a scout ceremony. Sort of like the president
awarding Frank Sinatra the Medal of Freedom ! But hey, he just
did it all his way !
A good way to be POPULAR is not to take ourselves
too seriously. Once Isaac Asimov, a popular science writer - of
the HUMANIST faith -was cornered on this sensitive issue of
God's existence: " Hey, why can't God just find me ? " he
Monday, November 4, 2002
Pro-Life cranks:GET OUT THE VOTE !
The Catholic TV station I see this morning -unlike most American
Catholics - is obtuse on this matter of separation of Church and State.
Sheeplike, all GOOD Catholics should vote for boldly anti-abortion
candidates- THAT is the message. The Church big-wigs have no real passion
for any other issue but LIFE IN THE WOMB ! And at a time when newspapers
are telling unflattering stories about the Catholic hierarchy- the sexual
abuse of innocent children.
In short because of the nature of the two party system here,
they are telling GOOD Catholics to vote Republican. These same Republicans
might be pro-war and pro-death penalty and great supporters of the NRA.
And there is nothing Christ-like about their proposed legislation against
the poor and the working class. LIFE IN THE WOMB monomania -for three decades
now- has destroyed old fashioned Catholicism.
What is so wrong about Catholicism for Catholics ? Let the
pro-life fanatics all move to Vatican City - where they will get along
with modern Italy as well as Israel get along with the Palestinians.
Why is abortion the only issue the " modern " Church
feels passionately about ? Any two bit psychiatrist will tell you
that obsession can be a sign of lunacy !
I'll admit I myself am a very nominal " born Catholic ".
I can't remember the last time I was inspired by a sermon in a Catholic
Church. All pro-life unction and " give generously " !
Perhaps God himself sank into a bored deep sleep too !
But I have never been involved in the abortion BUSINESS . So
my CATHOLIC conscience never troubles me.
I'll vote for a Republican - like our Don Carcieri - if
I like him. The pro-life fanatics are invariably nasty people !
God save the Church !
Catholics - is obtuse on this matter of separation of Church and State.
Sheeplike, all GOOD Catholics should vote for boldly anti-abortion
candidates- THAT is the message. The Church big-wigs have no real passion
for any other issue but LIFE IN THE WOMB ! And at a time when newspapers
are telling unflattering stories about the Catholic hierarchy- the sexual
abuse of innocent children.
In short because of the nature of the two party system here,
they are telling GOOD Catholics to vote Republican. These same Republicans
might be pro-war and pro-death penalty and great supporters of the NRA.
And there is nothing Christ-like about their proposed legislation against
the poor and the working class. LIFE IN THE WOMB monomania -for three decades
now- has destroyed old fashioned Catholicism.
What is so wrong about Catholicism for Catholics ? Let the
pro-life fanatics all move to Vatican City - where they will get along
with modern Italy as well as Israel get along with the Palestinians.
Why is abortion the only issue the " modern " Church
feels passionately about ? Any two bit psychiatrist will tell you
that obsession can be a sign of lunacy !
I'll admit I myself am a very nominal " born Catholic ".
I can't remember the last time I was inspired by a sermon in a Catholic
Church. All pro-life unction and " give generously " !
Perhaps God himself sank into a bored deep sleep too !
But I have never been involved in the abortion BUSINESS . So
my CATHOLIC conscience never troubles me.
I'll vote for a Republican - like our Don Carcieri - if
I like him. The pro-life fanatics are invariably nasty people !
God save the Church !
Israel and D-day
I have just reflected on your front page headline today:
"Israel quietly helping U.S. prepare for war with Iraq " ( USA
TODAY,Nov.4 ) . Oddly enough Saudi Arabia -a neighbor of menacing
Iraq- is not enthusiastic about helping us at all. And a lot
of healthy young rich kids in Kuwait -which owes us - will applaud
a U.S. invasion of Iraq in the safety of their own luxurious homes.
An old fashioned American woman would scold them : COWARDS !
The same for young Jews who rarely risk their lives
against rock throwing Palestinians. Just study the casualty
figures for Jews vs. Palestinians !
I say if a war with Iraq is inevitable, an invasion
should be led by soldiers - thousands of them ! - from Kuwait
and Israel.
Remember D-Day - the ALLIED invasion ? I would prefer to
see multi-cultural pictures of bloated corpses. It is only fair
to America's youth.
After the election: THE WAR !
"Israel quietly helping U.S. prepare for war with Iraq " ( USA
TODAY,Nov.4 ) . Oddly enough Saudi Arabia -a neighbor of menacing
Iraq- is not enthusiastic about helping us at all. And a lot
of healthy young rich kids in Kuwait -which owes us - will applaud
a U.S. invasion of Iraq in the safety of their own luxurious homes.
An old fashioned American woman would scold them : COWARDS !
The same for young Jews who rarely risk their lives
against rock throwing Palestinians. Just study the casualty
figures for Jews vs. Palestinians !
I say if a war with Iraq is inevitable, an invasion
should be led by soldiers - thousands of them ! - from Kuwait
and Israel.
Remember D-Day - the ALLIED invasion ? I would prefer to
see multi-cultural pictures of bloated corpses. It is only fair
to America's youth.
After the election: THE WAR !
Friday, November 1, 2002
Naderite recommends Carcieri
As Mr. Robert Whitcomb says in his column today reality is a
lot more complex than those horrid political ads. But let me simplify
things a little. LIKABILITY is no small factor even in bourgeois elections.
Too often third party candidates comes across as kooks - Ralph Nader was
an exception! The PROJO was right to endorse Carcieri and Kennedy as
being more right for Rhode Island than their opponents. To hell with
consistency. No, Carcieri is not fiendish corporate rat- with a heart
corrupted by Catholic religious prejudices ( opposed to abortion and gay
marriage in his personal moral conscience, like most Catholic politicians,
but no fanatic and no threat to Roe vs. Wade . And certainly no homophobe )
I agree with one WHJJ talk show regular, the very sane " Laurie "
-who finds the Kennedy opponent Rogers " scary ". For me he is as charming
as a junkyard dog. A step away from a right-wing skin-head.
The oh so politically correct Myrth York thinks her comfortable
East Side molehill is the REAL world. Coming from her that line about
"people before profits " sounds a little phony !
I'll bet LIKABILITY wins on election day. But the WORKING CLASS
will lose whatever. Karl Marx was not very likable but he was brilliant
and honest.He should be awarded - a little too late - the Noble Prize
for economics. Yes, a COMPLEX question : How do we re-distribute all that
capitalist surplus value and still get the workers out of bed in the
morning ?
lot more complex than those horrid political ads. But let me simplify
things a little. LIKABILITY is no small factor even in bourgeois elections.
Too often third party candidates comes across as kooks - Ralph Nader was
an exception! The PROJO was right to endorse Carcieri and Kennedy as
being more right for Rhode Island than their opponents. To hell with
consistency. No, Carcieri is not fiendish corporate rat- with a heart
corrupted by Catholic religious prejudices ( opposed to abortion and gay
marriage in his personal moral conscience, like most Catholic politicians,
but no fanatic and no threat to Roe vs. Wade . And certainly no homophobe )
I agree with one WHJJ talk show regular, the very sane " Laurie "
-who finds the Kennedy opponent Rogers " scary ". For me he is as charming
as a junkyard dog. A step away from a right-wing skin-head.
The oh so politically correct Myrth York thinks her comfortable
East Side molehill is the REAL world. Coming from her that line about
"people before profits " sounds a little phony !
I'll bet LIKABILITY wins on election day. But the WORKING CLASS
will lose whatever. Karl Marx was not very likable but he was brilliant
and honest.He should be awarded - a little too late - the Noble Prize
for economics. Yes, a COMPLEX question : How do we re-distribute all that
capitalist surplus value and still get the workers out of bed in the
morning ?
Wednesday, October 30, 2002
Flores no Florence Nightingale
A 41 year old failing nursing student, Robert Flores Jr. , goes
berserk and kills three of his professors -and then, of course, himself.
( AP story, October 29 ). I read : " there are many issues in Mr. Flores'
life, all of which are a factor. "
I suspect that sexism and age-ism were a factor in his crackpot.
It is not easy to go back to school with all the energy, enthusiasm,
and confidence of YOUTH. Perhaps Flores was as WELCOME at the University
of Arizona 's nursing school as a 41 year old female would be in the
Providence Police Academy or as a Fire Dept. trainee.
Why would cold, obnoxious person choose to be a nurse
anyway ? Robert Flores was already an experienced LPN. Was he getting
the " treatment " familiar to a black person in a NICE white suburb ?
No instinctive FEMALE empathy to help a drowning student ?
No help for him in mastering challenging subjects ?
Success is no FUN unless we can see FAILURE fumble !
There is more to this story of Robert Flores, MALE nurse.
Tuesday, October 29, 2002
Imus slouching toward Gomorrah !
I'm against censorship even though I'm fully aware that
decadent " entertainment " corrupts the soul. I can't avoid brief
encounters with radio and TV degenerates. I turn on the radio early
in the morning just to catch the latest news. When I get Imus and his
friends, I get the impression of hung over amphetamine addicts in a
sleazy NYC bar who are still babbling idiotically at 5:00 AM. Imus
is the clearly the leader of the pack -who looks like he can claim
Viking ancestry, with an inherited propensity to burn places like
the public library that might inculcate a prejudice against Talk Radio.
The topics arise as if inspired by the fumes of an underground
sewer. This morning a staff member momentarily disappears: " She must
be picking her nose somewhere. " And then there are tabloid stories
to ponder: A man was arrested in a motel while copulating with a farm
animal. Did you know that most men between the ages of 18 and 40 worry
about the size of their penis ?
What is the secret of the Imus guy ? Are we as Judge Bork
puts it " slouching toward Gomorrah " ? Do we loath the very idea of
a natural elite ? We dread being reminded of our own intellectual and
moral inferiority ?
I miss Walter Cronkite. He was not ashamed of being literate.
Why is our culture mass producing JUNK-HEADS ? Where is the former glory
of Western Civilization, the glory that was Greece and Rome ?
Slouching toward Gomorrah, indeed !
decadent " entertainment " corrupts the soul. I can't avoid brief
encounters with radio and TV degenerates. I turn on the radio early
in the morning just to catch the latest news. When I get Imus and his
friends, I get the impression of hung over amphetamine addicts in a
sleazy NYC bar who are still babbling idiotically at 5:00 AM. Imus
is the clearly the leader of the pack -who looks like he can claim
Viking ancestry, with an inherited propensity to burn places like
the public library that might inculcate a prejudice against Talk Radio.
The topics arise as if inspired by the fumes of an underground
sewer. This morning a staff member momentarily disappears: " She must
be picking her nose somewhere. " And then there are tabloid stories
to ponder: A man was arrested in a motel while copulating with a farm
animal. Did you know that most men between the ages of 18 and 40 worry
about the size of their penis ?
What is the secret of the Imus guy ? Are we as Judge Bork
puts it " slouching toward Gomorrah " ? Do we loath the very idea of
a natural elite ? We dread being reminded of our own intellectual and
moral inferiority ?
I miss Walter Cronkite. He was not ashamed of being literate.
Why is our culture mass producing JUNK-HEADS ? Where is the former glory
of Western Civilization, the glory that was Greece and Rome ?
Slouching toward Gomorrah, indeed !
Monday, October 28, 2002
Crazy crosswalks in Cranston
Nothing new here : the Greater Providence area is very pedestrian
unfriendly. Perhaps if the state could just cancel the driving license
of everybody over 60, the PROBLEM of too much traffic in the too small
Ocean State will be solved. But people think they have a right to their
mechanical anti-people monster as much as actor Charlton Heston thinks
he has a right to his gun. Imagine HIM five years from now - not quite
in full possession of his faculties - driving around Rhode Island with
a rifle at his side, looking for GREEN people who hate the NRA !
Recently I saw a young woman with a baby in her arms trying
to cross busy Reservoir Ave. in Cranston. There are just not enough crosswalks
on that major traffic artery, I reflected.
A ridiculous situation where there is a crosswalk on Reservoir.
The cautious pedestrian waits for the flashing white WALK signal. In a
second it changes to a flashing red DON'T WALK signal - which a driver
at Legion Ave. , for instance, might interpret as a GO signal for
him or her. The pedestrian with the right of way is nearly run over
by the turning automobile.
That flashing red DON'T WALK signal should instead read : CAUTION
Like the ancient god Moloch, the automobile god is being
fed more and more human sacrifices. And we still kiss its feet while
it crushes our hearts !
unfriendly. Perhaps if the state could just cancel the driving license
of everybody over 60, the PROBLEM of too much traffic in the too small
Ocean State will be solved. But people think they have a right to their
mechanical anti-people monster as much as actor Charlton Heston thinks
he has a right to his gun. Imagine HIM five years from now - not quite
in full possession of his faculties - driving around Rhode Island with
a rifle at his side, looking for GREEN people who hate the NRA !
Recently I saw a young woman with a baby in her arms trying
to cross busy Reservoir Ave. in Cranston. There are just not enough crosswalks
on that major traffic artery, I reflected.
A ridiculous situation where there is a crosswalk on Reservoir.
The cautious pedestrian waits for the flashing white WALK signal. In a
second it changes to a flashing red DON'T WALK signal - which a driver
at Legion Ave. , for instance, might interpret as a GO signal for
him or her. The pedestrian with the right of way is nearly run over
by the turning automobile.
That flashing red DON'T WALK signal should instead read : CAUTION
Like the ancient god Moloch, the automobile god is being
fed more and more human sacrifices. And we still kiss its feet while
it crushes our hearts !
Foster Candidate Ruggieri No Peacenik
I note with proud amusement that my brother, Richard D. Ruggieri,
of 171 Howard Hill Rd. in Foster, is once again running for the City
Council slot there. He did win way back in 1990 and, so I hear, served
honorably . Today I read in your Northwest edition ( October 28 ) that
he wants to preserve the rural character of Foster. I guess that means
keeping people like me out of town. Rick never was a PEOPLE GUY anyway.
When he was a 12 year old kid he argued for a pre-emptive nuclear attack
on Red China. And if his international outlook is relevant to high office
in Foster today, I will sum it up for the locals: GIVE WAR A CHANCE !
Rick describes himself for the PROJO as an advertising professional
-which means he has specialized in baloney most of his adult life. His
TV commercials for the Harborside restaurant are quite good. Now and then
I have a lobster sandwich on his provincial celebrity.
If Rick were a real people person -like Bill Clinton - he
would shake a few more neighborly hands and bus in Greater Providence
types to distribute his campaign propaganda.
Yes, indeed : KEEP FOSTER RURAL !
Please don't publish this letter unless you too want Rick
to win. Things could be worse in Foster. Imagine ME on the Town Council !
Election are decided by a few votes in Foster. So I
think Rick has a 50/50 chance of getting elected again. Just SHAKE
If he loses, he is STILL in the baloney business.
of 171 Howard Hill Rd. in Foster, is once again running for the City
Council slot there. He did win way back in 1990 and, so I hear, served
honorably . Today I read in your Northwest edition ( October 28 ) that
he wants to preserve the rural character of Foster. I guess that means
keeping people like me out of town. Rick never was a PEOPLE GUY anyway.
When he was a 12 year old kid he argued for a pre-emptive nuclear attack
on Red China. And if his international outlook is relevant to high office
in Foster today, I will sum it up for the locals: GIVE WAR A CHANCE !
Rick describes himself for the PROJO as an advertising professional
-which means he has specialized in baloney most of his adult life. His
TV commercials for the Harborside restaurant are quite good. Now and then
I have a lobster sandwich on his provincial celebrity.
If Rick were a real people person -like Bill Clinton - he
would shake a few more neighborly hands and bus in Greater Providence
types to distribute his campaign propaganda.
Yes, indeed : KEEP FOSTER RURAL !
Please don't publish this letter unless you too want Rick
to win. Things could be worse in Foster. Imagine ME on the Town Council !
Election are decided by a few votes in Foster. So I
think Rick has a 50/50 chance of getting elected again. Just SHAKE
If he loses, he is STILL in the baloney business.
Saturday, October 26, 2002
Psychoanalysis of Pro-Life crowd
I know psychoanalysis is not as popular as talk show
pop psychology and pill popping in treating mental disorders.
For me - a fan of old Freud - I see this obsession with human
life in the womb- that grows into a nasty and arrogant POLITICAL
movement - as rooted in abnormal psychology of neurotic individuals.
A psychological profile of the typical " pro-life " - anti-
choice- anti-abortion militant is not that of an appealing personality.
The typical pro-lifer often is not even somebody you would trust as
a baby-sitter. He or she is a cold fish - often showing no passion
for other moral issues like the death penalty, homelessness, poverty,
war. But these anti-abortion fanatics are madly devoted to the unborn.
I think religious and economic institutions have a vested
interest in FRESH BLOOD - like Count Dracula, their future depends
on it. What does the Catholic Church and the Burger King have in
common ? Yes, tell the destitute of the earth : KEEP THE BAMBINOS
Respect for human life just does not explain the fanaticism
of the pro-life movement. CHEAP LABOR in a crowded world is the LIFE
of the church - and the LIFE of global capitalism.
What do they care about human dignity ?
pop psychology and pill popping in treating mental disorders.
For me - a fan of old Freud - I see this obsession with human
life in the womb- that grows into a nasty and arrogant POLITICAL
movement - as rooted in abnormal psychology of neurotic individuals.
A psychological profile of the typical " pro-life " - anti-
choice- anti-abortion militant is not that of an appealing personality.
The typical pro-lifer often is not even somebody you would trust as
a baby-sitter. He or she is a cold fish - often showing no passion
for other moral issues like the death penalty, homelessness, poverty,
war. But these anti-abortion fanatics are madly devoted to the unborn.
I think religious and economic institutions have a vested
interest in FRESH BLOOD - like Count Dracula, their future depends
on it. What does the Catholic Church and the Burger King have in
common ? Yes, tell the destitute of the earth : KEEP THE BAMBINOS
Respect for human life just does not explain the fanaticism
of the pro-life movement. CHEAP LABOR in a crowded world is the LIFE
of the church - and the LIFE of global capitalism.
What do they care about human dignity ?
Friday, October 25, 2002
T-Mobile's ilk protect crime
I learned earlier in the year that a cell-phone company
will protect the privacy of its users -even if they are involved
in a crime or a possible crime. West Bay published my letter on this
incident on March 5: An unrestrained -and out of control - Rottweiler
ambushed me at the corner of Reservoir Ave. and Speck Ave. in Cranston
around noontime on Tuesday Jan. 29. I fell on busy Reservoir trying to
get away from the beast - and dislocated my right shoulder and also
had a serious fracture that required surgery. The owner of the dog
called 911 on a cell phone - and then disappeared from the scene. A
hit and run ?
A paralegal for my lawyer( John Revins of Warwick ) says
it will be almost impossible to get a court order to trace the 911
I'm not a vindictive person and don't want to ruin anybody.
But I am stuck with $25,000 medical bill. You can understand , Bob,
why I believe in a national health care plan.
Rhode Island Hospital reminds every other day that they want
their money. Any credit card will do !
Certainly after Sept 11, 911 calls should not be a
private matter.
Soon I will have to soap box in a Rhode Island court room,
I'm sure. I'll keep you informed. Do they still have DEBTOR PRISONS as
in Charles Dickens' day ?
" Something will turn up ! "
will protect the privacy of its users -even if they are involved
in a crime or a possible crime. West Bay published my letter on this
incident on March 5: An unrestrained -and out of control - Rottweiler
ambushed me at the corner of Reservoir Ave. and Speck Ave. in Cranston
around noontime on Tuesday Jan. 29. I fell on busy Reservoir trying to
get away from the beast - and dislocated my right shoulder and also
had a serious fracture that required surgery. The owner of the dog
called 911 on a cell phone - and then disappeared from the scene. A
hit and run ?
A paralegal for my lawyer( John Revins of Warwick ) says
it will be almost impossible to get a court order to trace the 911
I'm not a vindictive person and don't want to ruin anybody.
But I am stuck with $25,000 medical bill. You can understand , Bob,
why I believe in a national health care plan.
Rhode Island Hospital reminds every other day that they want
their money. Any credit card will do !
Certainly after Sept 11, 911 calls should not be a
private matter.
Soon I will have to soap box in a Rhode Island court room,
I'm sure. I'll keep you informed. Do they still have DEBTOR PRISONS as
in Charles Dickens' day ?
" Something will turn up ! "
Thursday, October 24, 2002
Radical rhetoric in Rhode Island
No, Don Carcieri is not the fiendish enemy of the Brazilian
rain forest- putting " profits before people ". THAT TV attack on him
is absurdly personal. It will HURT Myrth York and most of those UNDECIDED
will vote for the CHILD KILLER whose last name ends suspiciously.
I believe that capitalism in general puts profits before
people. But then I voted for Ralph Nader for president of the U.S.
But I love Patrick Kennedy's truly RADICAL message on TV :
HEALTH CARE IS A RIGHT- NOT A PRIVILEGE ! Now that is a real winner.
Is Patrick a closet commie ? God bless him anyway ! There is a national
health care plan in our future with Patrick as President of the United
Only in Rhode Island. WE are unique !
rain forest- putting " profits before people ". THAT TV attack on him
is absurdly personal. It will HURT Myrth York and most of those UNDECIDED
will vote for the CHILD KILLER whose last name ends suspiciously.
I believe that capitalism in general puts profits before
people. But then I voted for Ralph Nader for president of the U.S.
But I love Patrick Kennedy's truly RADICAL message on TV :
HEALTH CARE IS A RIGHT- NOT A PRIVILEGE ! Now that is a real winner.
Is Patrick a closet commie ? God bless him anyway ! There is a national
health care plan in our future with Patrick as President of the United
Only in Rhode Island. WE are unique !
Tuesday, October 22, 2002
Robert H. Bork on the Catholic Church
With very critical reservations I can recommend Judge
Robert H. Bork's book as a good read even for an open minded commie
like myself." Slouching towards Gomorrah " is not without its conservative
cretinism -the equal of the PC variety -but on the whole it is the work
of brilliant CIVILIZED mind. Those in the news media with a gut hatred
for the Catholic Church should ponder his observation: " Because it is
America's largest denomination, and the only one with a strong central
authority, the Catholic Church can be a major opponent of the nihilism
of modern liberal culture. "
( page 337 ) . I say without conservative bias: the news media
has been indulging itself in Catholic Church bashing for a long time now.
Many priests are sinners. What else is new ? And the Christ
of the Gospels has a zero-tolerance policy for sinners? To me he just
seems a little hard on the rich guy who wants to bribe his way into
I feel very sorry for thousands of priests who just try to
be worthy of being under HIS roof.
Robert H. Bork's book as a good read even for an open minded commie
like myself." Slouching towards Gomorrah " is not without its conservative
cretinism -the equal of the PC variety -but on the whole it is the work
of brilliant CIVILIZED mind. Those in the news media with a gut hatred
for the Catholic Church should ponder his observation: " Because it is
America's largest denomination, and the only one with a strong central
authority, the Catholic Church can be a major opponent of the nihilism
of modern liberal culture. "
( page 337 ) . I say without conservative bias: the news media
has been indulging itself in Catholic Church bashing for a long time now.
Many priests are sinners. What else is new ? And the Christ
of the Gospels has a zero-tolerance policy for sinners? To me he just
seems a little hard on the rich guy who wants to bribe his way into
I feel very sorry for thousands of priests who just try to
be worthy of being under HIS roof.
Monday, October 21, 2002
Divine Comedy and mental illness
Just read the PROJO Lifebeat article on Dave Kane - " who has
earned plenty of laughs... portraying a Roman Catholic priest. "
( October 21 ). A caption says of his FATHER MISGIVINGS : " This
whole show says one thing: God loves you, no matter who you are ".
I enjoy comedy and spoof as much as anybody but in
real life the DIVINE COMEDY is not enjoyed by many millions of lost
souls whose daily life is tormenting misery, especially if they are
deeply religious and believe in a PERSONAL GOD.
Here is a taboo subject: How many psychiatrists can deal
with mental patients who are deep down ANGRY at an anthropomorphic
God -who they were taught is all-good and all-powerful ?
No rational human being can get angry at a THING. But
God is another matter. I suspect that there are cognitive factors
in many forms of mental illness. I witness a mentally ill man
cursing the Creator and can only conclude that he would be saner
if he could only change his idea of a personal God.
But that OLD TIME RELIGION - its pernicious MESSAGE
of a lOVING GOD - is ubiquitous in our mass media culture.
We must settle for HUMAN LOVE - and as Erich Fromm
pointed out in his " Art of Love " , THAT is rare in a competitive
capitalist society that worships SUCCESS more than the plastic Jesus
of TV evangelism.
Anything humorous about the Holocaust , Father Misgivings ?
If there is a God, better to give HIM the silent treatment and
as Voltaire recommends : " cultivate our garden ".
Sometimes PROZAC is not enough !
earned plenty of laughs... portraying a Roman Catholic priest. "
( October 21 ). A caption says of his FATHER MISGIVINGS : " This
whole show says one thing: God loves you, no matter who you are ".
I enjoy comedy and spoof as much as anybody but in
real life the DIVINE COMEDY is not enjoyed by many millions of lost
souls whose daily life is tormenting misery, especially if they are
deeply religious and believe in a PERSONAL GOD.
Here is a taboo subject: How many psychiatrists can deal
with mental patients who are deep down ANGRY at an anthropomorphic
God -who they were taught is all-good and all-powerful ?
No rational human being can get angry at a THING. But
God is another matter. I suspect that there are cognitive factors
in many forms of mental illness. I witness a mentally ill man
cursing the Creator and can only conclude that he would be saner
if he could only change his idea of a personal God.
But that OLD TIME RELIGION - its pernicious MESSAGE
of a lOVING GOD - is ubiquitous in our mass media culture.
We must settle for HUMAN LOVE - and as Erich Fromm
pointed out in his " Art of Love " , THAT is rare in a competitive
capitalist society that worships SUCCESS more than the plastic Jesus
of TV evangelism.
Anything humorous about the Holocaust , Father Misgivings ?
If there is a God, better to give HIM the silent treatment and
as Voltaire recommends : " cultivate our garden ".
Sometimes PROZAC is not enough !
Saturday, October 19, 2002
That Saddam is a monster !
I am proud of Rhode Island's truly " independent man ", Senator
Lincoln Chaffee, in not giving any simple minded YES,YES ! to the
GOP gods of war in Washington D.C. But a public television documentary
on the life of Saddam Hussein of Iraq - I watched last night on channel
24 here - must convince most viewers that the guy is one of the great
moral monsters of history. Even Hitler and Stalin had ideological
brakes, a general philosophy of history. Saddam believes in Saddam
far more than he believes in the Allah of the Arab world.
True there is no crime against humanity, against his
own people, against the state of Israel, he will not commit in
order to keep himself top Hell-Hound in his own country.
Since he kills anybody who hints of revolt,there is
a process of un-natural selection going on leaving Iraq a nation
of terrorized zombies or cowards - or worse - Saddam worshipers !
BUT I still say : CONTAIN THE MONSTER ! War is too
risky. And Allah himself might strike him down soon.
Then we can all shout : " Allah is great ! "
Just a footnote : US and British and French imperialism did
help make this monster of the ages, Saddam Hussein.
Washington D.C. did not give him too many lessons in
And if war is inevitable, the cannon fodder for the
invasion should be supplied by Kuwait and Israel. Our Air Force
can help out a little.
Lincoln Chaffee, in not giving any simple minded YES,YES ! to the
GOP gods of war in Washington D.C. But a public television documentary
on the life of Saddam Hussein of Iraq - I watched last night on channel
24 here - must convince most viewers that the guy is one of the great
moral monsters of history. Even Hitler and Stalin had ideological
brakes, a general philosophy of history. Saddam believes in Saddam
far more than he believes in the Allah of the Arab world.
True there is no crime against humanity, against his
own people, against the state of Israel, he will not commit in
order to keep himself top Hell-Hound in his own country.
Since he kills anybody who hints of revolt,there is
a process of un-natural selection going on leaving Iraq a nation
of terrorized zombies or cowards - or worse - Saddam worshipers !
BUT I still say : CONTAIN THE MONSTER ! War is too
risky. And Allah himself might strike him down soon.
Then we can all shout : " Allah is great ! "
Just a footnote : US and British and French imperialism did
help make this monster of the ages, Saddam Hussein.
Washington D.C. did not give him too many lessons in
And if war is inevitable, the cannon fodder for the
invasion should be supplied by Kuwait and Israel. Our Air Force
can help out a little.
Friday, October 18, 2002
Whitcomb on " freedom "
Having just read about his own little " freedom " dilemma
in the Providence Phoenix, perhaps it is no accident that PROJO
editorial page editor, Robert Whitcomb , has an interesting commentary
today on what FREEDOM really means for most Americans : the freedom
to BUY - and with a pig's appetite for THINGS.
Last night I was reading an interview with a Mafia hit man-
a scary, cold blooded killer. He said he knew RIGHT from Wrong. But
he also knew the difference between a nice pair of shoes and a cheap
Science, I understand, always seeks the simplest explanation
for a phenomenon. When a toddler in a store sees something he wants -but
can't have - he just lets out a hair-raising scream. THAT is the state
of the human soul in a capitalist society.
" Escape from Freedom ", by the socialist psychiatrist,
Erich Fromm - inspired by Marx and Freud - is still worth reading.
Democracy is a lot weaker than we think !
in the Providence Phoenix, perhaps it is no accident that PROJO
editorial page editor, Robert Whitcomb , has an interesting commentary
today on what FREEDOM really means for most Americans : the freedom
to BUY - and with a pig's appetite for THINGS.
Last night I was reading an interview with a Mafia hit man-
a scary, cold blooded killer. He said he knew RIGHT from Wrong. But
he also knew the difference between a nice pair of shoes and a cheap
Science, I understand, always seeks the simplest explanation
for a phenomenon. When a toddler in a store sees something he wants -but
can't have - he just lets out a hair-raising scream. THAT is the state
of the human soul in a capitalist society.
" Escape from Freedom ", by the socialist psychiatrist,
Erich Fromm - inspired by Marx and Freud - is still worth reading.
Democracy is a lot weaker than we think !
Thursday, October 17, 2002
Hi Old Silber !
Apart from being rather attached to this thing called Western
Civilization, I have little affinity for the conservative mind. But
often enough when educators like Silber ( read Projo editorial today )
write or lecture with honesty, passion, and no little AUTHORITY
on public education today, I LISTEN. Why ? Because they -often
enough - they make sense.
Here is the gist of it : you just can't transfer political
egalitarian ideals to the education process- which even in the
sciences is AUTHORITARIAN: the teacher KNOWS, the student LEARNS.
If you never learn to respect RATIONAL authority -which
has earned its power- you will never " get an education ". And
you will never be able to improve on the existing social order,
with all its flaws and preventable miseries.
And you hug trees all you want. But MOTHER NATURE is
a cold mother and demands conformity to her laws. Even without
an explanation. She leaves all that to " dull " pedants.
The more we really LEARN, the less secure is our
precious SELF-ESTEEM. Education can be very humiliating.
A lot of kids have not even mastered Copernicus: No,
THEY are not the center of the universe !
And reading all those books demands a sort of " love "
-being able to get outside of yourself. Einstein observed that we
are all prisoners of our own egos.
When somebody honestly asks you : " and how are YOU
today ? " - you can be sure he is at least SANE !
Civilization, I have little affinity for the conservative mind. But
often enough when educators like Silber ( read Projo editorial today )
write or lecture with honesty, passion, and no little AUTHORITY
on public education today, I LISTEN. Why ? Because they -often
enough - they make sense.
Here is the gist of it : you just can't transfer political
egalitarian ideals to the education process- which even in the
sciences is AUTHORITARIAN: the teacher KNOWS, the student LEARNS.
If you never learn to respect RATIONAL authority -which
has earned its power- you will never " get an education ". And
you will never be able to improve on the existing social order,
with all its flaws and preventable miseries.
And you hug trees all you want. But MOTHER NATURE is
a cold mother and demands conformity to her laws. Even without
an explanation. She leaves all that to " dull " pedants.
The more we really LEARN, the less secure is our
precious SELF-ESTEEM. Education can be very humiliating.
A lot of kids have not even mastered Copernicus: No,
THEY are not the center of the universe !
And reading all those books demands a sort of " love "
-being able to get outside of yourself. Einstein observed that we
are all prisoners of our own egos.
When somebody honestly asks you : " and how are YOU
today ? " - you can be sure he is at least SANE !
Saturday, October 12, 2002
Falsettos reject " Sopranos " in parade
I just finished reading about all the trouble so called
Italo-Americans gave our first major party candidate for vice -
president of the United States. Way back in 1984 reactionary
Republicans and a Catholic cardinal were throwing stones at her
for honoring Jack Kennedy's view of Catholicism vs. Americanism.
No, she was not welcome in New York City's Columbus Day parade.
Remember Geraldine Who ? Her liberal views on abortion
disgraced the Columbus Day parade ? Disgraced the Italo- American
community who should have been throwing her kisses in New York
Being Italian does not stop you from being a reactionary
hypocrite. Now the organizers of the NYC Columbus Day parade are
offended by talented ACTORS who play mob figures. In rejecting
" Sopranos " they have struck a false note. You can call them
FALSE-ettos, I guess.
I just want JUSTICE ! Tony will understand.
Italo-Americans gave our first major party candidate for vice -
president of the United States. Way back in 1984 reactionary
Republicans and a Catholic cardinal were throwing stones at her
for honoring Jack Kennedy's view of Catholicism vs. Americanism.
No, she was not welcome in New York City's Columbus Day parade.
Remember Geraldine Who ? Her liberal views on abortion
disgraced the Columbus Day parade ? Disgraced the Italo- American
community who should have been throwing her kisses in New York
Being Italian does not stop you from being a reactionary
hypocrite. Now the organizers of the NYC Columbus Day parade are
offended by talented ACTORS who play mob figures. In rejecting
" Sopranos " they have struck a false note. You can call them
FALSE-ettos, I guess.
I just want JUSTICE ! Tony will understand.
Thursday, October 10, 2002
Another kid mauled by pit bull
9 year old Corey Kue needed surgery at Hasbro Hospital after
" Tyson " - a pit bull - attacked him. ( Metro story, October 10 ).
In previous letters on the pit bull menace in the greater
Providence area I suggested that the personality of these beasts
often honor the master. Was " Tyson " named after the celebrity
boxer, Mike Tyson ? The pit bull did not get a chance to bit
Corey's ear off. And the story says the owner has liability
But Providence just does not get it on the pit bull
menace. The city should now be liable for any and every pit bull
attack on a resident or a visitor .
Most cities are very pedestrian unfriendly. Sooner
or later if a reckless driver does not send you to the hospital,
a vicious dog will. Do we WALK at our own risk in Providence,
Cranston, Pawtucket, Warwick ?
Calling all personal injury lawyers !
" Tyson " - a pit bull - attacked him. ( Metro story, October 10 ).
In previous letters on the pit bull menace in the greater
Providence area I suggested that the personality of these beasts
often honor the master. Was " Tyson " named after the celebrity
boxer, Mike Tyson ? The pit bull did not get a chance to bit
Corey's ear off. And the story says the owner has liability
But Providence just does not get it on the pit bull
menace. The city should now be liable for any and every pit bull
attack on a resident or a visitor .
Most cities are very pedestrian unfriendly. Sooner
or later if a reckless driver does not send you to the hospital,
a vicious dog will. Do we WALK at our own risk in Providence,
Cranston, Pawtucket, Warwick ?
Calling all personal injury lawyers !
Wednesday, October 9, 2002
Is Heaven a democracy ?
Amused to read this headline today: " House reinforces support
for God ". And by a 401-to-5 vote. Nothing like war drums- even more
effective than Bach - to put the people and their leaders in a pious
moods. Cynical free thinkers have observed that belief in God - in a
meddling, anthropomorphic God - is inversely proportional to the evidence.
Anyway in heaven nobody ever quarrels with God. No such thing
as democratic debate up there. Until Lucifer came along. Was that guy
the first original mind, the first FREE THINKER ? Then clearly Satan is
the patron saint of the ACLU. We will not admit it, but Satan -not God-
freed us all from boredom !
And Satan does not demand we sing his praises while he is
tormenting us. Who dare rebel against eternal crankiness ?
Yesterday, I overheard a mental patient cursing the Almighty.
Must have forgotten to take his daily pill.
Is war coming ? Praise Bush and pass the Prozac !
for God ". And by a 401-to-5 vote. Nothing like war drums- even more
effective than Bach - to put the people and their leaders in a pious
moods. Cynical free thinkers have observed that belief in God - in a
meddling, anthropomorphic God - is inversely proportional to the evidence.
Anyway in heaven nobody ever quarrels with God. No such thing
as democratic debate up there. Until Lucifer came along. Was that guy
the first original mind, the first FREE THINKER ? Then clearly Satan is
the patron saint of the ACLU. We will not admit it, but Satan -not God-
freed us all from boredom !
And Satan does not demand we sing his praises while he is
tormenting us. Who dare rebel against eternal crankiness ?
Yesterday, I overheard a mental patient cursing the Almighty.
Must have forgotten to take his daily pill.
Is war coming ? Praise Bush and pass the Prozac !
Tuesday, October 8, 2002
Postage stamp honors avowed Socialist Keller
I was pleased to read that the United States Postal Service has
chosen to honor an avowed socialist and remarkable human being -Helen
Keller - with a stamp. I have just finished reading the autobiography
of one Upton Sinclair - also a socialist who aimed for our hearts in
his classic " The Jungle " - but instead hit us in the stomach instead
-with his rotten meat industry story. Sinclair just missed winning a
Nobel Prize. Perhaps he too - like Helen Keller - should be honored
with a stamp. I believed he advocated a very tranquil transition to
Socialism - which would not offend comfortable white Southern aristocrats
and their friends. At the end of his autobiography this gentle soul
wonders how the poor can even afford to die !
The cynic in me also wants to honor H.L. Mencken with a
postage stamp. He knew that this world was too much to take SOBER !
chosen to honor an avowed socialist and remarkable human being -Helen
Keller - with a stamp. I have just finished reading the autobiography
of one Upton Sinclair - also a socialist who aimed for our hearts in
his classic " The Jungle " - but instead hit us in the stomach instead
-with his rotten meat industry story. Sinclair just missed winning a
Nobel Prize. Perhaps he too - like Helen Keller - should be honored
with a stamp. I believed he advocated a very tranquil transition to
Socialism - which would not offend comfortable white Southern aristocrats
and their friends. At the end of his autobiography this gentle soul
wonders how the poor can even afford to die !
The cynic in me also wants to honor H.L. Mencken with a
postage stamp. He knew that this world was too much to take SOBER !
Wednesday, October 2, 2002
Skunkin Donuts !
I told you a few letters ago that it is hard to find
a capitalist nowadays who is not a corrupt thief. Today we read about
the Dunkin Donuts scandal: the owner of 28 Mass. stores treating his
help - mostly underaged kids ! - in a way that recalls scathing chapters
in the first volume of Karl Marx's " Capital " : Vampire like , the
capitalist class sucks the life blood out of the workers.
I have noticed inferior service in many local Dunkin
Donuts stores. Providence is dumb enough to greet visitors with a
Dunkin Donuts Center ! Shame on the Renaissance City !
How many people have noticed the PUKE in their morning
Dunkin Donuts coffee ? Just unfresh creme or milk. You never see
a supervisor around these kids. Yesterday I was about to buy a coffee
bun at Dunkin Donuts across from the Providence Journal Company. Then
I noticed the dumb kid was serving them with his dirty bare hands !
And when a small cup of coffee costs as much as a gallon of
gasoline, it is time to make your own coffee.
a capitalist nowadays who is not a corrupt thief. Today we read about
the Dunkin Donuts scandal: the owner of 28 Mass. stores treating his
help - mostly underaged kids ! - in a way that recalls scathing chapters
in the first volume of Karl Marx's " Capital " : Vampire like , the
capitalist class sucks the life blood out of the workers.
I have noticed inferior service in many local Dunkin
Donuts stores. Providence is dumb enough to greet visitors with a
Dunkin Donuts Center ! Shame on the Renaissance City !
How many people have noticed the PUKE in their morning
Dunkin Donuts coffee ? Just unfresh creme or milk. You never see
a supervisor around these kids. Yesterday I was about to buy a coffee
bun at Dunkin Donuts across from the Providence Journal Company. Then
I noticed the dumb kid was serving them with his dirty bare hands !
And when a small cup of coffee costs as much as a gallon of
gasoline, it is time to make your own coffee.
Tuesday, October 1, 2002
No error in NY Times article
I was just able to check the New York Times article on the
10 " most beautiful scientific experiments of all time " ( Sept. 24 ).
There is no error there on the Cavendish figure for the mass of the
earth. The error I observed in the Providence Sunday Journal article
- a figure for the mass of the earth not in exponential form ( 6.0 x
1024 kilograms ) - whatever the excuse - originated at 75 Fountain
St. I hope there is no Channel 6 vindictiveness here. To err is
human. To forgive ( Buddy ? Clinton ? ) is divine.
But when you literally have the weight of the world on your
shoulders, you should know the TRUE burden !
10 " most beautiful scientific experiments of all time " ( Sept. 24 ).
There is no error there on the Cavendish figure for the mass of the
earth. The error I observed in the Providence Sunday Journal article
- a figure for the mass of the earth not in exponential form ( 6.0 x
1024 kilograms ) - whatever the excuse - originated at 75 Fountain
St. I hope there is no Channel 6 vindictiveness here. To err is
human. To forgive ( Buddy ? Clinton ? ) is divine.
But when you literally have the weight of the world on your
shoulders, you should know the TRUE burden !
Monday, September 30, 2002
A weighty error in fine science article
Loved reading " The 10 ' most beautiful experiments of all time "
in the Providence Sunday Journal, Sept.29, page A-17. But a weighty
error that cannot be dismissed as a typo is right here : the eccentric
Henry Cavendish had ingeniously weighed the earth. But the figure given
in your article fails to indicate EXPONENTIAL value. The approximate
mass of the earth is 6.0 x 10 ( multiplied by itself 24 times ).
NOT 6.0 x 1024 kilograms. A good banker knows what compound
interest does to a sum of money. Tell him he is worth that in gold and
he will smile. Give it as EXPONENTIAL and he will faint: He now owns
the universe !
Was a New York Times editor asleep on the job ? A while
back this humble letter writer discovered them to be obtuse on
the famous Periodic Table.
But THANKS for a very interesting story !
in the Providence Sunday Journal, Sept.29, page A-17. But a weighty
error that cannot be dismissed as a typo is right here : the eccentric
Henry Cavendish had ingeniously weighed the earth. But the figure given
in your article fails to indicate EXPONENTIAL value. The approximate
mass of the earth is 6.0 x 10 ( multiplied by itself 24 times ).
NOT 6.0 x 1024 kilograms. A good banker knows what compound
interest does to a sum of money. Tell him he is worth that in gold and
he will smile. Give it as EXPONENTIAL and he will faint: He now owns
the universe !
Was a New York Times editor asleep on the job ? A while
back this humble letter writer discovered them to be obtuse on
the famous Periodic Table.
But THANKS for a very interesting story !
Wednesday, September 25, 2002
Sainthood for Evita Peron too ?
Being a Catholic by fate if not by piety, I keep up with
Church affairs by reading " The Providence Visitor ". I do recommend
reading this weekly for a balanced view on the sex scandals.
Yesterday I was amused to read that the famous Catholic
TV personality and Church scholar-or propagandist- Archbishop Fulton
J. Sheen is being considered for sainthood. Catholic baby boomers-
who experienced the golden age of The Church in America - will never
forget that guy with his piercing, pious look - and that blackboard
with short notes on it suggesting that for this mighty intellect
Hell fire was as real as global warming is for the Greens today.
I don't know what my opinion might be worth in the higher
circles of the Church. But I think that Argentina's legendary " Evita "
- Eva Peron - who did more for her poor people than Mother Teresa -
is a more credible candidate for sainthood than Fulton J. Sheen -
whose fierce anti-communism at times made him seem more loyal to
capitalism than Catholicism.
" Evita " had the heart of the saint -even if certain
cynics would brand her as the patron saint of prostitutes.
Next time I visit LaSallette, I will light a candle for
my kind and lovely " Evita ". Saint or no saint, the death of a
beautiful woman is always the stuff of great poetry.
"... Santa, Santa Evita ! "
Church affairs by reading " The Providence Visitor ". I do recommend
reading this weekly for a balanced view on the sex scandals.
Yesterday I was amused to read that the famous Catholic
TV personality and Church scholar-or propagandist- Archbishop Fulton
J. Sheen is being considered for sainthood. Catholic baby boomers-
who experienced the golden age of The Church in America - will never
forget that guy with his piercing, pious look - and that blackboard
with short notes on it suggesting that for this mighty intellect
Hell fire was as real as global warming is for the Greens today.
I don't know what my opinion might be worth in the higher
circles of the Church. But I think that Argentina's legendary " Evita "
- Eva Peron - who did more for her poor people than Mother Teresa -
is a more credible candidate for sainthood than Fulton J. Sheen -
whose fierce anti-communism at times made him seem more loyal to
capitalism than Catholicism.
" Evita " had the heart of the saint -even if certain
cynics would brand her as the patron saint of prostitutes.
Next time I visit LaSallette, I will light a candle for
my kind and lovely " Evita ". Saint or no saint, the death of a
beautiful woman is always the stuff of great poetry.
"... Santa, Santa Evita ! "
Monday, September 23, 2002
" Buddy " again and my PROJO Horoscope
With reference to the " criminal " Mayor Cianci a letter to
the editor today ( Sept.13 ) is fatuously titled : " Rhode Islanders
like criminals ". I think we like justice a little more. The prosecution
against our " Buddy " was so goofy that their case against him -known
as Plunderdome - came one count away from being sarcastically renamed
Why could not the prosecution present a single witness of
integrity to point a finger at the prince of Providence: " You
stole MY money.... YOU ruined my life " ? The testimony of assorted
bums should not have sufficed to convict Cianci of anything.
If he stole money from his beloved city, HOW MUCH did he
steal, WHAT did he spend this money on, WHERE is the rest of it ?
The Cianci trial was a distraction from the far greater
scandal of corporate corruption. Has George W. Bush disowned his
Enron buddies ? In general American capitalism has become a CRIMINAL
If guilty, our " Buddy " is just a crooked shoe-shine boy !
By the way my PROJO horoscope this morning reads : " Be careful
- your words will be quoted far and wide ".
the editor today ( Sept.13 ) is fatuously titled : " Rhode Islanders
like criminals ". I think we like justice a little more. The prosecution
against our " Buddy " was so goofy that their case against him -known
as Plunderdome - came one count away from being sarcastically renamed
Why could not the prosecution present a single witness of
integrity to point a finger at the prince of Providence: " You
stole MY money.... YOU ruined my life " ? The testimony of assorted
bums should not have sufficed to convict Cianci of anything.
If he stole money from his beloved city, HOW MUCH did he
steal, WHAT did he spend this money on, WHERE is the rest of it ?
The Cianci trial was a distraction from the far greater
scandal of corporate corruption. Has George W. Bush disowned his
Enron buddies ? In general American capitalism has become a CRIMINAL
If guilty, our " Buddy " is just a crooked shoe-shine boy !
By the way my PROJO horoscope this morning reads : " Be careful
- your words will be quoted far and wide ".
Saturday, September 21, 2002
Big Brother was watching Miss TOO-GOOD !
It seems that a lot of wicked people nowadays - like Miss
Too-Good whacking her kid in the back of a car - are being caught
on camera. And if you say " bring it down " a little too loudly
in a public place - and have that sinister Middle-Eastern look-
almost certainly a virtuous busy body will drop a dime on you.
It good to know that the nice people of the world
are ever ready to stop the nasty people -even at the moment of
conception , when the nasty deed is just a nasty thought.
How many of us ordinary Americans - not overcome
by the flatulent war rhetoric of George W. Bush - can identify
with Winston Smith in George Orwell's " 1984 " ? Not until Winston
was re-educated in the Ministry of Truth could he - finally - love
Big Brother - who was always WATCHING YOU !
And Miss Too-good - perhaps - was trying too hard to
be the perfect good mother. Observed Winston in " 1984 " : " Almost
all kids were brats nowadays ". Often they reported their rotten
parents to the Ministry of Love -where they could expect a punishment
more severe than an old fashioned spanking. For Winston there was
Room 101.
The NICE PEOPLE want the rest of us to know this : " BIG
Learn the art of brainless conformity now. Or you will
learn it in Room 101.
Too-Good whacking her kid in the back of a car - are being caught
on camera. And if you say " bring it down " a little too loudly
in a public place - and have that sinister Middle-Eastern look-
almost certainly a virtuous busy body will drop a dime on you.
It good to know that the nice people of the world
are ever ready to stop the nasty people -even at the moment of
conception , when the nasty deed is just a nasty thought.
How many of us ordinary Americans - not overcome
by the flatulent war rhetoric of George W. Bush - can identify
with Winston Smith in George Orwell's " 1984 " ? Not until Winston
was re-educated in the Ministry of Truth could he - finally - love
Big Brother - who was always WATCHING YOU !
And Miss Too-good - perhaps - was trying too hard to
be the perfect good mother. Observed Winston in " 1984 " : " Almost
all kids were brats nowadays ". Often they reported their rotten
parents to the Ministry of Love -where they could expect a punishment
more severe than an old fashioned spanking. For Winston there was
Room 101.
The NICE PEOPLE want the rest of us to know this : " BIG
Learn the art of brainless conformity now. Or you will
learn it in Room 101.
Thursday, September 19, 2002
Channel 6 shooting itself in the foot
Channel 6 is shooting itself in the foot by firing Robert
Whitcomb - PROJO editorial page editor - from its Sunday morning
public affairs program. I rarely watch TV and have no idea how
he comes across on TV - ( as the boss of M. Charles Bakst ? ) .
The irony here is that Mr. Whitcomb must be familiar
with " the treatment ". FREE SPEECH in reality means freedom for
the wealthy owners of the news media to say what they please, to
show what they want to show, to tell the public what they want the
public to hear. And where is the passion for TRUTH in all this ?
But I know that Robert Whitcomb never writes anything
with his name under it that is stupid and uninformed. Can TV afford
to be dominated by complete idiots ?
The economics of FREE SPEECH is, of course, modified
and influenced by old fashioned American idealism: CENSORSHIP IS
patronizing indulgence but a practical necessity for making sound
judgments in a most imperfect democracy.
FREE SPEECH for plutocrats, too ! Love that " Buddy " !
Wednesday, September 18, 2002
Unfair to Michael Skakel
Rich or poor- a victim of injustice should arouse our
sympathy. Kennedy clan member, Michael Skakel, accused of murdering
Martha Moxley in 1975 " when they were 15-year old neighbors " ( " Skakel
appeals murder conviction ", Sept . 18 ) - is -I think - a victim of
injustice. If a poor black man, Michael's age, were accused as an ADULT
of a murder that happened more than 25 years ago - guilty or not guilty,
I'm sure every civil rights group in the country would be outraged: " Too
much time has passed... a man is not the same person at 40 as he was at
15. "
The LAW is clearly punishing a 15 year old Michael Skakel -
and using circumstantial evidence. Is Michael Skakel paying for Teddy
Kennedy's sins, for " The Sins of the Father " . I'm sure a certain
loathing for the Kennedy clan played a role in the guilty verdict and
the harsh sentence. If he is guilty of that horrible crime, the law is
still punishing a juvenile - and one with a troubled background.
Here in Rhode Island young Patrick Kennedy seems to be
growing up - and he is now a GOOD Congressman and deserves re-election.
I hope Michael Skakel wins an appeal. And I would remind
him that confession is good for the soul.
sympathy. Kennedy clan member, Michael Skakel, accused of murdering
Martha Moxley in 1975 " when they were 15-year old neighbors " ( " Skakel
appeals murder conviction ", Sept . 18 ) - is -I think - a victim of
injustice. If a poor black man, Michael's age, were accused as an ADULT
of a murder that happened more than 25 years ago - guilty or not guilty,
I'm sure every civil rights group in the country would be outraged: " Too
much time has passed... a man is not the same person at 40 as he was at
15. "
The LAW is clearly punishing a 15 year old Michael Skakel -
and using circumstantial evidence. Is Michael Skakel paying for Teddy
Kennedy's sins, for " The Sins of the Father " . I'm sure a certain
loathing for the Kennedy clan played a role in the guilty verdict and
the harsh sentence. If he is guilty of that horrible crime, the law is
still punishing a juvenile - and one with a troubled background.
Here in Rhode Island young Patrick Kennedy seems to be
growing up - and he is now a GOOD Congressman and deserves re-election.
I hope Michael Skakel wins an appeal. And I would remind
him that confession is good for the soul.
Tuesday, September 17, 2002
Shot Warwick man had hepatitis
Untreated hepatitis can derange your mind. I hear via
a very reliable Warwick grapevine that the 35 year old knife wielding
man shot by a Warwick cop in a nice , quiet neighborhood indeed had
hepatitis. They found that out at the hospital. And the hospital had
to inform the cop.
Assuming I got my facts right, I wonder if this was a case of
another sick and mentally ill man " falling through the cracks " and
seeing suicide as way out, a way to end the pain: just provoke a nervous
cop to shoot you.
Preventive medicine is always CHEAPER ! How many
mentally ill people opt for an instant death sentence ?
And the criminal ruling class that owns America wants to
save the world from terrorism ? What a joke !
a very reliable Warwick grapevine that the 35 year old knife wielding
man shot by a Warwick cop in a nice , quiet neighborhood indeed had
hepatitis. They found that out at the hospital. And the hospital had
to inform the cop.
Assuming I got my facts right, I wonder if this was a case of
another sick and mentally ill man " falling through the cracks " and
seeing suicide as way out, a way to end the pain: just provoke a nervous
cop to shoot you.
Preventive medicine is always CHEAPER ! How many
mentally ill people opt for an instant death sentence ?
And the criminal ruling class that owns America wants to
save the world from terrorism ? What a joke !
Friday, September 13, 2002
In honor of J. Robert Oppenheimer
After reading the latest lying drivel about the father of
the atomic bomb, J. Robert Oppenheimer, being all but a card carrying
member of the American Communist Party, I have this thought : It is
about time our country honor him with a commemorative coin or a stamp.
Did Oppenheimer have communist connections ? If so, what
does that prove ? Pragmatic American genius selected HIM to lead the
team of scientists and engineers that developed the first atomic bombs.
During the McCarthy era Oppenheimer gave voice to his own
conscience in the matter of the ethical use of this horrible new
weapon. I guess for the brainless RIGHT.... CONSCIENCE = Communism !
A man of Oppenheimer 's genius could never be controlled by
political hacks in Washington or Moscow. If he sympathized with
communism or socialism in theory, well so did Einstein, so did nearly
every great writer in America during the Great Depression.
The World Book encyclopedia ( 2002 ) says of J. Robert
Oppenheimer : ..." he was cleared of all charges of disloyalty ".
It is possible to be a good American and still loyal
I believe the Greeks have a coin honoring the father of
the atomic theory, Democritus - whose free spirit made him unpopular
in his own time. We should issue a coin or a stamp honoring the
father of the atomic bomb . With these words : " Now scientists know
sin ".
the atomic bomb, J. Robert Oppenheimer, being all but a card carrying
member of the American Communist Party, I have this thought : It is
about time our country honor him with a commemorative coin or a stamp.
Did Oppenheimer have communist connections ? If so, what
does that prove ? Pragmatic American genius selected HIM to lead the
team of scientists and engineers that developed the first atomic bombs.
During the McCarthy era Oppenheimer gave voice to his own
conscience in the matter of the ethical use of this horrible new
weapon. I guess for the brainless RIGHT.... CONSCIENCE = Communism !
A man of Oppenheimer 's genius could never be controlled by
political hacks in Washington or Moscow. If he sympathized with
communism or socialism in theory, well so did Einstein, so did nearly
every great writer in America during the Great Depression.
The World Book encyclopedia ( 2002 ) says of J. Robert
Oppenheimer : ..." he was cleared of all charges of disloyalty ".
It is possible to be a good American and still loyal
I believe the Greeks have a coin honoring the father of
the atomic theory, Democritus - whose free spirit made him unpopular
in his own time. We should issue a coin or a stamp honoring the
father of the atomic bomb . With these words : " Now scientists know
sin ".
Thursday, September 12, 2002
Emotional diarrhea of Sept.11
They say people with a tin ear have no gift for melody.
And it seems that most Americans - made vapid by too much TV - have
no gift for melancholy. Knowing what was coming, yesterday Sept.11,
I avoided radio and TV as much as it is possible to avoid the ubiquitous
media. Only the emotionally illiterate can invent the " grief counselor ".
Only a few minutes of radio and TV alerted me to the
emotional diarrhea that will characterize every Sept. 11 for many
years to come. How many of us have the emotional intelligence to
smell unctuous words ? I am so turned off by this army of professional
preachy manipulators of public emotion !
One does get sick of sobbing on cue. REAL grief is personal
and avoids the public circus. The lugubrious sight of people who
regret every penny claimed by Uncle Sam - who will not stop their
cars at crosswalks for cripples ! - languishing with a longing for
dead compatriots, heroes all !
There is something admirable about the British way, the
stiff upper lip. Or is that just emotional constipation ?
And the more anybody - even a President - babbles about God,
the less we should trust him. Osama also has daily meetings with
the Almighty.
George W. Bush is a one act president. He is frozen
in caricature on Sept .11. And he is no Abe Lincoln - who had wit,
wisdom, and a great sense of humor.
And it seems that most Americans - made vapid by too much TV - have
no gift for melancholy. Knowing what was coming, yesterday Sept.11,
I avoided radio and TV as much as it is possible to avoid the ubiquitous
media. Only the emotionally illiterate can invent the " grief counselor ".
Only a few minutes of radio and TV alerted me to the
emotional diarrhea that will characterize every Sept. 11 for many
years to come. How many of us have the emotional intelligence to
smell unctuous words ? I am so turned off by this army of professional
preachy manipulators of public emotion !
One does get sick of sobbing on cue. REAL grief is personal
and avoids the public circus. The lugubrious sight of people who
regret every penny claimed by Uncle Sam - who will not stop their
cars at crosswalks for cripples ! - languishing with a longing for
dead compatriots, heroes all !
There is something admirable about the British way, the
stiff upper lip. Or is that just emotional constipation ?
And the more anybody - even a President - babbles about God,
the less we should trust him. Osama also has daily meetings with
the Almighty.
George W. Bush is a one act president. He is frozen
in caricature on Sept .11. And he is no Abe Lincoln - who had wit,
wisdom, and a great sense of humor.
Tuesday, September 10, 2002
Ban illegals from our hospitals ?
Local TALK RADIO is the very antithesis of political correctness -
and more often than not - when it is not war mongering - it is vociferously
protesting common decency : No, I did not know that illegal immigrants -
who should have sub-human status here ? - could just walk into Rhode
Island Hospital and get FREE medical care on demand.
You would think that ANY hospital in the country would
treat ANY medical emergency without harassing the patient with
bureaucratic formalities: " Do you have an adequate health plan ? "
..." What is your social security number ? " ...... " are you a
citizen of the United States or an illegal alien ? "
Let this simple idea sink into nitwit skulls : MEDICAL IS
A HUMAN RIGHT ! The financial problem should be a secondary matter.
But how is this really practical - medical care as a
human right - without a national health care plan ?
Everyday capitalism is a greater threat to ordinary Americans
in their everyday life than the dictator of Iraq - or rare terrorist
spectacles -like Sept 11, 2001.
Did Saddam ever call YOU a bum ?
and more often than not - when it is not war mongering - it is vociferously
protesting common decency : No, I did not know that illegal immigrants -
who should have sub-human status here ? - could just walk into Rhode
Island Hospital and get FREE medical care on demand.
You would think that ANY hospital in the country would
treat ANY medical emergency without harassing the patient with
bureaucratic formalities: " Do you have an adequate health plan ? "
..." What is your social security number ? " ...... " are you a
citizen of the United States or an illegal alien ? "
Let this simple idea sink into nitwit skulls : MEDICAL IS
A HUMAN RIGHT ! The financial problem should be a secondary matter.
But how is this really practical - medical care as a
human right - without a national health care plan ?
Everyday capitalism is a greater threat to ordinary Americans
in their everyday life than the dictator of Iraq - or rare terrorist
spectacles -like Sept 11, 2001.
Did Saddam ever call YOU a bum ?
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