Thursday, December 12, 2002

Trent Lott and words, words, words !

I am as far removed from Trent Lott politically as an ordinary,

    law-abiding American can be. I voted for Ralph Nader. Presently IT SEEMS

    that Lott is condemned by his own words as a die hard ,incorrigible,

    OLD FASHIONED racist. But put brainless emotions aside, and what do you

    really have here ? A talk a lot politico who -not running out of gas-

    blew it all out the wrong hole.

               Trent Lott is not a little obnoxious for liberal types.

    But words must be judged in their context and in the context of a

    man's whole life. Not a few black activists speak derogatively of

    Jews in " Hymie Town ". But that does not make them Nazis - just the

    jerks of the moment.

           FREE SPEECH must permit all of us to make fools out of ourselves

    now and then without being completely ruined.

                Reactionary ideas must be challenged by rational, humane

    ideas -not by the smothering atmosphere of political correctness.

               The Left -in general - has little to teach the Right about

    free speech and -often enough - common decency !

                 To think that all Southern whites are KKK sympathizers

    is as stupid as thinking all Italian-Americans love the Mafia !

               Don't think the South has not CHANGED profoundly in the

    last 50 years. It most certainly does not send die hard racists to

    the U.S. Senate or to the House.

            But there are too many old generals around on both sides

    always living in the past - in THEIR glory days.

              In his heart Trent Lott may have as much affection for

    blacks as old Joe Kennedy had for Jews. But BUSINESS has a way of

    keeping lunacies in check. And most liberals still don't believe


             Why not suspect most of our leaders of being NICE GUYS -

    whatever their political philosophy ?

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