Friday, September 13, 2002

In honor of J. Robert Oppenheimer

After reading the latest lying drivel about the father of

    the atomic bomb, J. Robert Oppenheimer, being all but a card carrying

    member of the American Communist Party, I  have this thought : It is

    about time  our country honor him with a commemorative coin or a stamp.

                Did Oppenheimer have communist connections ? If so, what

    does that prove ?  Pragmatic American genius selected HIM to lead the

    team of scientists and engineers that developed the first atomic bombs.

               During the McCarthy era Oppenheimer gave voice to his own

    conscience in the matter of the ethical use of this horrible new

    weapon. I guess for the brainless RIGHT.... CONSCIENCE = Communism !

              A man of Oppenheimer 's genius could never be controlled by

    political hacks in Washington or  Moscow. If he sympathized with

    communism or socialism in theory, well so did Einstein, so did nearly

    every great writer in America  during the Great Depression.

              The World Book encyclopedia  ( 2002 ) says of J. Robert

    Oppenheimer :  ..." he was cleared of all charges of disloyalty ".

                 It is possible to be a good American and still loyal

    to HUMANITY.

                 I believe the Greeks have a coin honoring the father of

    the atomic theory, Democritus - whose free spirit made him unpopular

    in his own time.   We should issue a coin or a stamp honoring the

    father of the atomic bomb .  With these words : " Now scientists know

    sin ".

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