Sunday, December 15, 2002

A Lott of distraction

 If I were a Republican, I would feel free to comment

    on how to punish Trent Lott for his " Gone With The Wind " nostalgia

    for the dead past of the Old South. Clearly those days of accepted

    segregation of black people and respectable racism can NEVER come


             But ironically the most beloved black militant, Malcolm

    X, for most of his Black Muslim career, preached just this: black

    separatism. And he had a keen nose for sniffing out Jewish " control "

    or influence in the civil rights movement. It escaped him until his

    last days that  liberal and radical Jews were just naturally empathetic

    to the oppressed, to the victims of all forms of discrimination.

               Today phony Democrats will try to make a lot of political

    hay out of Trent Lott 's  party time drivel.It is only human to

    indulge the idiosyncrasies of a 100 year old LOYAL son of the

    South ( also an old SOB ! )

              It takes more political courage to tell the whole country

    on the floor of the Senate or the House that HEALTH CARE is a basic

    human right than to beat the dead horse of an OUTLAWED racism.

                But few Democrats are champions of WORKING CLASS

    America. " Political correctness " is a just a cheap way of

    seeming PROGRESSIVE while millions of working class people -of

    ALL races and ethnic groups - are on the edge of the social abyss !

                 What matters to our more RESPONSIBLE leaders is the

    sacred illusion of democracy. Just replace RACE with CLASS and

    a lot of Malcolm 's more wild rhetoric make great sense.

           Just for the record, I voted for Ralph Nader.

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