Tuesday, December 31, 2002

As the McWorld Turns

What was once THE WORLD is now being called McWorld by

    keen observers of our consumer culture. The McNews reports the

    big story of the day: McDonald's may soon  be serving its McCustomers

    a different Mcburger. I am reminded of the Classic Coke fiasco.

         Don't mess with success ! Or in this case, don't mess with a

    mess. I'm  one of those soon to be OBSOLETE baby boomers who

    remember what REAL hamburgers tasted like -and smelled like as

    they sizzled on the grill of the friendly, neighborhood Greasy Spoon.

             McWorld is taking EVERY nostalgic memory away from us !

    I can now identify with that character in the Twilight Zone episode:

    " Walking Distance ". Imagine just being able to walk back into

    the saner and safer world( ??? ) of 1959 !

              But the McWorld news can only tell me that the monsters

    are due on Maple Street.

               It seems that McPeople are terribly worried about

    clones - HUMAN clones.  McPeople at least are alike everywhere -

    as alike as McDonald's hamburgers !

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