Tuesday, October 8, 2002

Postage stamp honors avowed Socialist Keller

I was pleased to read that the United States Postal Service has

    chosen to honor an avowed socialist and  remarkable human being -Helen

    Keller - with a stamp. I have just finished reading the autobiography

    of one Upton Sinclair - also a socialist who aimed for our hearts in

    his classic " The Jungle " - but instead hit us in the stomach instead

    -with his rotten meat industry story. Sinclair just missed winning a

    Nobel Prize. Perhaps he too - like Helen Keller - should be honored

    with a stamp. I believed he advocated a very tranquil transition to

    Socialism - which would not offend comfortable white Southern aristocrats

    and their friends. At the end of his autobiography this gentle soul

    wonders how the poor can even afford to die !

             The cynic in me also wants to honor H.L. Mencken with a

    postage stamp. He knew that this world was too much to take SOBER !

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