Friday, November 1, 2002

Naderite recommends Carcieri

As Mr. Robert Whitcomb says in his column today reality is a
    lot more complex than those horrid political ads. But let me simplify
    things a little. LIKABILITY is no small factor even in bourgeois elections.
    Too often third party candidates comes across as kooks - Ralph Nader was
    an exception!  The PROJO was right to endorse Carcieri and Kennedy as
    being more right for Rhode Island than their opponents. To hell with
    consistency. No, Carcieri is not fiendish corporate rat- with a heart
    corrupted by Catholic religious prejudices ( opposed to abortion and gay
    marriage in his personal moral conscience, like most Catholic politicians,
    but no fanatic and no threat to Roe vs. Wade . And certainly no homophobe )
             I agree with one WHJJ talk show regular, the very sane " Laurie "
    -who finds the Kennedy opponent Rogers " scary ". For me he is as charming
    as a junkyard dog. A step away from a right-wing skin-head.
                 The oh so politically correct Myrth York thinks her comfortable
    East Side molehill is the REAL world. Coming from her that line about
    "people before profits " sounds a little phony !
                I'll bet LIKABILITY wins on election day. But the WORKING CLASS
    will lose whatever. Karl Marx was not very likable but he was brilliant
    and honest.He should be awarded - a little too late - the Noble Prize
    for economics. Yes, a COMPLEX question : How do we re-distribute all that
    capitalist surplus value and still get the workers out of bed in the
    morning ?

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