Saturday, May 11, 2024

Trump says Jews who support Biden need their ‘head examined’

We democratic socialists see Trump and Biden , Israeli Zionism and American imperialism from the SOCIALIST INTERNATIONALISM perspective. There is an ideological BRAWL ( sometimes physical as in that Jan.6 " day of infamy " ) going on within the American ruling class . ZIONIST Jews are well represented in the Biden Administration and in his WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party. The affluent " liberal " Jewish upper class has been entrenched in the Democratic Party since the Great Depression era. That could be changing in last decade of " OUR democracy ". The founders of modern Israel -like Golda Meir - at least started out as " socialists " . But militant ZIONISM became incompatible with SOCIALIST ideals. If " Jew hatred " is perceived to be on the rise in the United States , it has little to do with Dark Age bigotry. To be sure, Israeli genocide in Gaza, Palestine is a strange way to assure " NEVER AGAIN ! " No informed socialists barter in fascist style " Jew hatred ". ANTI-ISRAEL really means anti-ZIONISM : Israel can cease to exist as an ethnocentric APARTHEID country with most Jews still living happily ever after there. An ethnocentric JEWISH state is a mockery even of bourgeois democracy. In general ," BLOOD & SOIL ( the sacred bones of your ancestors ) was the theme of German National Socialism . Long ago the United Nations branded ZIONISM a form of racism. Of course , American imperialism - Israel's partner in war crimes- objected . Insane preparations for nuclear World War III ( with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? ) have nothing to do with the security and interests of WORKING CLASS Americans ! So we democratic socialists completely support the anti-war movement in the United States; completely support the GAZA SOLIDARITY ENCAMPMENTS of genocide protesting college students. I recall the drama GREAT STUDENT STRIKE of 1970 protesting the Nixon'- Kissinger war crime invasion of Cambodia. How can the likes of the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel and warmonger V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine inspire the youth today ? No stampede to US military recruiting offices ?

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