*Editor’s Note: On March 4, Russia enacted a law that criminalizes public opposition to, or independent news reporting about, the war in Ukraine. The law makes it a crime to call the war a “war” rather than a “special military operation” on social media or in a news article or broadcast. The law is understood to penalize any language that “discredits” Russia’s use of its military in Ukraine, calls for sanctions or protests Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. It punishes anyone found to spread “false information” about the invasion with up to 15 years in prison.

The Americans have reluctantly admitted the connection between the Pentagon and secret bio weapon research labs in Ukraine. Now the link between the labs and Joe Biden’s family has surfaced, and how much they profited from pathogens and toxins. Under the current circumstances, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy could become dangerous to the U.S. president personally.

“And I went over, I guess, the 12th, 13th time to Kyiv. And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t. So they said they had — they were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah, I’m not going to — or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said — I said, call [Barack Obama]. I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”

This “solid” someone was Yuriy Lutsenko — this “Maidan DJ,” who now has majorly disappeared from the public eye, didn’t have any degree in law, but spent some time in jail during President Viktor Yanukovych’s term. And the prosecutor who was getting fired to make way for Lutsenko was Viktor Shokin, who is still suing Ukrainian authorities, trying to prove the unlawfulness of his dismissal. And the confession of a billion-dollar blackmail belongs to Biden — he bragged about it on camera, not realizing what consequences could follow.

Obama didn’t take responsibility, and later it turned out that Joe Biden used his vice-president position for personal purposes: His son, Hunter Biden, was getting a fat paycheck at Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, as a member of the Board of Directors and as a lobbyist. And as Shokin was the one to open an investigation against this company, the “solid someone,” Lutsenko, was the one to close it.

“Decent folks” in the U.S. — that is, Democratic Party voters — were told to view it as a simple coincidence: as if Biden just removed a “corrupt prosecutor” and he didn’t even know anything about his son’s business. It seemed no less than a real conspiracy, in which a lot of people were engaged — from intelligence agencies and the U.S. Department of State to the largest media and Hollywood stars. When Donald Trump’s administration tried to shed some light on it, allegedly (“allegedly,” since this was not proven) applying pressure on Zelenskyy, the head of the U.S. was handed his first impeachment from the U.S. House of Representatives.

Everything could have been avoided — one shouldn’t underestimate the ability of the American elite to get away with all sorts of things, and yet the U.S. president’s offspring is truly good-for-nothing. His interests include drugs, orgies and benders, and also all sorts of shady investment deals, through which he monetizes the best asset he has — his father’s influence.

During one of his benders, Hunter broke his laptop, left it at a repair shop and forgot to take it back. A lot of “dirt” ended up in the FBI’s and media’s hands afterward, which hints that there was an organized criminal group of “rich kids” handling these shady operations and evading taxes. This group consisted of Hunter Biden; the son of Nancy Pelosi (speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives); the foster son of the former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry; and Devon Archer, the financial director of the entire group, who was recently sentenced to a year in prison for defrauding a Native American tribe, the Oglala Sioux.

In Hunter Biden’s correspondence, his father was mentioned as “my man” and “the big guy,” who was supposed to get a 10% cut for his lobbyist interference.**

The U.S. was banning users on the largest social media websites for sharing articles from rare media outlets that published them (usually on a regional level), containing information about the very existence of this laptop and the anti-corruption investigation opened by the FBI. It was marked as “Russian propaganda,” aimed to prevent Joe Biden from becoming the president of the U.S.

And he wouldn’t have been able to do it: According to various surveys, 11-17% of the people who voted for Biden wouldn’t have done so if they were sure that the investigation opened against his son was not fake.

But he managed to do so thanks to the concealment of this scandal — and the investigation was forgotten until Biden’s presidential rating plummeted to the shameful 40% mark (only George W. Bush had a lower rating, during the global financial crisis). Biden has become “politically toxic” and the system of mutual endorsement around him seems to start crumbling on its own.

As of the present moment, all leading U.S. media confirm the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s correspondence and apologize for their previous publications, where they called it “Russian disinformation.”

In turn, the Republicans are compiling a list of government officials they will bring to justice in “Hunter’s case” after their almost inevitable victory in the U.S. midterm elections this Fall (Jen Psaki, White House press secretary, made it into the preliminary list of 12 people).

The FBI is coming even closer to presenting the rich kids’ ring with detailed charges of financial fraud, tax evasion and involvement in corruption, while the rare media that published information on the Bidens’ dirt back when it was a taboo are spitting out more and more details of their family business.

The most sensational of the latest discoveries is the fact that the good-for-nothing son was attracting finance for a company called Metabiota, a contractor for the Pentagon, and the ultimate recipient of these funds was none other than the almost legendary Ukrainian bio laboratories. Both Russia and China are calling for an investigation into the very fact of their existence (Beijing is doing it mostly so China wouldn’t be the only country associated with research on pathogens).

Among other things, Hunter as a contractor was asked to ensure “the cultural and economic independence of Ukraine from Russia.”** Now the results of it are on full display, and only the most bullheaded Democrats can believe that there’s no connection between Joe Biden and his son’s investments into deadly infections’ research.

It appears that Joe Biden’s guardianship over the troubling property in Eastern Europe comes with the territory — as a responsibility of the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, a position he occupied both in 2001-03 and 2007-09. A prominent member and a chairman of the same Committee in 1985-87 and 2003-07, Richard Lugar is now dubbed a “godfather” of the Pentagon’s biological research projects in Ukraine. He had an interesting career focus in the Senate — weapons of mass destruction, and his welcoming statement about cooperation on the basis of Ukrainian laboratories has for years been one of the few official confirmations from the U.S. side that such laboratories with a focus on biological weapons even exist.

Now we also know that they didn’t only tightly cooperate with the Pentagon, but were the Bidens’ family business, which will surely interest the U.S. much more than the forced resignation of some prosecutor or the woes of the Oglala Sioux tribe.

We can even imagine that before us now is the very straw that breaks the camel’s back.

When Hunter is cornered by the Republicans and the FBI, we already know what he will claim. He’ll say that he doesn’t really remember the deals he struck, because he spent his days in a drug haze, but one vow he can give for sure — his father is a saint. This precise explanation is hidden in Hunter Biden’s memoirs “Beautiful Things,” published last year and, in high probability, written by specialists from the Democratic Party.

But now the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is diligently working on shedding some more light on Ukrainian biological weapons research and the Biden family’s role in it. Hunter’s remarks in his book will probably not satisfy them.

There’s another side to this conflict that knows a dangerous amount about this project and its connections: Zelenskyy. Everyone has already known that Hunter’s adventures in the Ukrainian steppes were an ace up Zelenskyy’s sleeve in negotiations with the U.S.

Now this ace has gained much more value — and it could be used at a critical moment, which is still waiting for the Ukrainian president.

In other words, it cannot be excluded that Zelenskyy will try to blackmail the Bidens with this biological “dirt,” so Ukraine will be granted proper protection, down to direct participation in the conflict with Russia. Perhaps he’s already blackmailing them.

In such conditions, the wish of the U.S. administration to fight in Ukraine until the very last Ukrainian seems logical and reasonable. Especially if this last Ukrainian will be Zelenskyy.

**Editor’s Note: These quotations, accurately translated, could not be verified.