Monday, April 25, 2022

A GOOD horror story makes us feel like Dante after completing his journey through " The Inferno " , the nine circles of HELL . Thinking " I'll be GOOD ! I'll be GOOD ! "

I read this Peter Straub horror story yesterday . It did measure up to other notable horror fiction I have read. I need to " incubate " a story before I can say anything constructive about it. What I did feel was some curious lack of CONNECTION between devotion to JAZZ , love of JAZZ , JAZZ genius and the HORROR TALE theme here. For me emotionally JAZZ music - as I have experienced it -is the opposite of CREEPY , indeed an ANTIDOTE to CREEPY. Perhaps I just answered my own question. It is clear that you can't enjoy any horror tale or fantasy fiction unless you turn off your SCIENTIFIC mind . Which is probably just what our " dream state " does . I recall the Catholic writer Chesterton saying that the COMPLETELY rational soul must be insane. Perhaps horror writer H.P. Lovecraft saved his " atheist " , " materialist " soul by exploring the world of COSMIC HORROR. I had the same feeling about the DREAM WORLD while reading the New Testament " Book of Revelation " - the English-Latin Vulgate version . That gets quite eerie and creepy too, perhaps giving to early Christians the first AD visions of HELL . In general, READING any short story or novel is to turn on the DREAM WORLD. A GOOD horror story makes us feel like Dante after completing his journey though " The Inferno " , the nine circles of HELL . Thinking " I'll be GOOD ! I'll be GOOD ! " [ Pork Pie Hat by Peter Straub YOUTUBE.COM Pork Pie Hat by Peter Straub Pork Pie Hat by Peter Straub"Sometimes people just disappeared. They'd .. ]

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