Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Tucker: The mainstream media's job is to defend the ruling class TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT

Tucker: The mainstream media's job is to defend the ruling class TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT Tucker: The mainstream media's job is to defend the ruling class Just imagine conservative Republican Tucker Carlson agreeing with traditional Marxist view on who controls the mainstream news media . Is it an Orwellian THOUGHT CRIME to suspect or conclude that secular ( non-religious ) Zionist Jews control the mainstream news media ? Why so little dissent on APARTHEID Israel ? On CRITICAL RACE THEORY which should embarrass pro-Israel zealots in the Democratic Party ? Why so little attention paid to anti-Zionist Jewish intellectuals - like Howard Zinn, Isaac Asimov, self-described " Trotskyist " Jews . Socialist writer Irving Howe ( author of " World of Our Fathers " ) was at least a CRITICAL supporter of present day Israel. But he remained a democratic socialist . In general socialists frown on a all forms of toxic nationalism . Of course , Israel has a right to exists as a country. But as an APARTHEID state ? Even many socialists have forgotten that Marxism preached the withering away of the state. Does militant Zionism have any such plan .

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