Thursday, August 12, 2021

It is a very CHRISTIAN idea not to bully , not to be mean to very different people

It is a very CHRISTIAN idea not to bully , not to be mean to very different people, to THE STRANGER . But DNC based WOKE politics seems to be based on contempt for the still mostly CHRISTIAN majority. The hard core of WOKE madness is an alliance of secular( anti-religious ) Zionist Jews and always obnoxious New Atheists. They would teach that " OUR democracy " has nothing to do with MAJORITY RULE . It is all about the social promotion of cranky identity politics groups. What percentage of the human race consciously rejects their God given or DNA certified biological gender ? Why are so few used to morally shame -and so unfairly- so many ?] #FoxNews Virginia school board approves controversial transgender policy FOXNEWS.COM Virginia school board approves controversial transgender policy

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