Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Why UNACCEPTABLE was Senator Robert Kennedy's favorite word
How can ANY intelligent, decent human being not brand this insane economic inequality UNACCEPTABLE? I read toward the end of his life UNACCEPTABLE was Robert Kennedy's favorite word. Today " liberal " Democrats reek of the George W. Bush school of " compassionate conservatism ".
It does seem that any entrenched ruling class must cultivate public relations skills. In the USA this explains fanatical " identity politics " and the more craven forms of " political correctness ". THEY must pretend to stand for something besides incurable greed . American fascism can never resemble German fascism of the 1930s. The country is literally too mixed up. But " identity politics " can forge the solidarity of a military caste just as bourgeois feminism can be proud of the new head of the CIA who rises above any " effeminate " revulsion for cruelty.
In Rhode Island we have a female head of the State Police. She won't take any guff from the common people. What progress !
Colonel Ann C. Assumpico
Above all American fascism will be a TOLERANT fascism - except for pernicious ideas about SOCIALISM and INTERNATIONALISM and any hint of " Sermon on the Mount " pacifism.
And , of course, American fascism will not tolerate an independent spirit in the working class. Oh- so-benevolent American fascism will crush the working class under " The Iron Heel ".
Gina Haspel heads the CIA
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