Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Friday, June 1, 2018
Pernicious climate change.... NO COUNTRY IS GOD'S COUNTRY !
It is easy " to take climate change personally " after seeing too many of " The Four Seasons " ( to the tune of Vivaldi ) you remember as " fixed " in your childhood now warped and blighted as if in a 1950s " Day the World Ended " science fiction-horror film.
But the battle against global warming ( the energy redistribution also explains the weird BIG CHILL winters ) is hopeless unless the human race establishes COLLECTIVE CONTROL over the big energy industries and " international socialism " , a planned world economy , establishes rational control over ALL capitalist FOR PROFIT industry.
Free Market worship is now just plain suicidal for the human species - which could be as doomed as thousands of other species in the course of life on earth. Only CONSCIOUS, RATIONAL control of the world economy can save us- with the help of what humans have experienced since THE FALL( knowledge of good and evil ? ) of the transcendent ( or divine ) FORCE.
There is now nothing more ridiculous than nation-state rivalry. No country is " God's Country ". Focus on that famous 1968 EARTH RISE view of the GOOD EARTH .
WE might still have a wonderful future.
Childhood nightmares coming true
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