Friday, June 29, 2018

Are not LYING journalists " the enemy of the people " ?

It is absurd to connect this " targeted " killing of five employees in a newspaper building with the politics of Donald Trump or urgency for gun-control. The obsessive stalking of a female is a sign of a severe emotional disorder. We need a better mental health system more urgently than we need rigid gun-control.

One newspaper editor did not set much of an example for mental balance :

{“This is what happens when @realDonaldTrump calls journalists the enemy of the people. Blood is on your hands, Mr. President. Save your thoughts and prayers for your empty soul,” Cox wrote in the deleted tweet, according to TheWrap "

               Mr. Cox later apologized. Are not journalists " the enemy of the people " when they promote the BIG LIE about " Trump-Russian collusion " and condemn the " dictator " Putin while the American plutocracy - which owns the mainstream news media-has destroyed " Democracy in America " for working class people ?

                      What is so " heroic " about that VOICE OF THE CIA - the New York Times ?

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