Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
" WBUR polling found consistent support for the measure." it would be nice if you could rationalize capitalism by just taxing millionaires and billionaires. Weirdly the capitalist legal system does not permit any LEGAL judgment on the CLASS basis of the social order, or in general on the moral legitimacy of " legitimate " wealth.
Karl Marx explained in the middle of the 19th century in Das Kapital that exploitation - " wage slavery " being not much different from ancient slavery- was the material basis for the accumulation of vast capitalist fortunes . The ghosts of thousands of wretched wage slaves - even of cruder black slavery -haunt those Newport Mansions on Bellevue Ave. in Rhode Island. New England is haunted by the ghosts of the Industrial Revolution.
Do you think the two party system will ever tolerate a referendum on CAPITALISM ? The bourgeois legal system is forced by its own internal logic not to give any legal recognition to economic CLASS.
How can " democracy " openly enact different laws for the haves and the have- nots ? A unemployed factory worker and a son of Lincoln Chafee will both pay ( $500 ? ) for the same traffic violation in Rhode Island .
WBUR might poll its listeners and readers on the sacrosanct ( ? ) capitalist PROFIT SYSTEM. According to recent polls young people are much more favorable to the IDEAL of socialism than In the past.
A summer home that wage slaves built
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