Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Old labor activist in RI, George Nee, cannot break with his " friends of labor " Democrats
Quick reaction here in Rhode Island to the latest Supreme Court attack on organized labor. The head of the AFL-CIO ,George Nee ( I recall him when he was a more idealistic labor activist with the United Farm Workers ) had a tense press conference this afternoon covered by the local radio station. Said Knee :
[ " We have received very quickly, very strong support from our congressional delegation and Governor Raimondo,” George Nee, president of the Rhode Island chapter of the AFL-CIO, said at the news conference. “When you’re in a fight, it’s good to know you have friends." ]
Yep , turn once again to the " friends of labor " in the moribund Democratic Party.
In reality they are such treacherous enemies of the working class -with " Wall St. Gina " Raimondo leading the pack.
You can read about this type right here on the World Socialist Web Site.
George Nee responds to Supreme Court ruling on union dues
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