Saturday, June 30, 2018

The more nasty SOCIALIST IRS : " They're coming to get you, Martha ! "


SEP candidate Niles Niemuth says “the attacks on immigrants are aimed at the entire working class”  

“There’s enough for everybody though. There’s so much money, but some people have so much that you couldn’t even spend it in your whole lifetime.”

I keep thinking how easy it should be in the early days of a triumphant socialist revolution to separate the parasite ruling class from their cash flow wealth. For emergency situations it should be so easy to transfer wealth from the various bank accounts of Donald Trump ( now perhaps confined to the top floor of " Trump Towers " ) to-say- my old homeless friend " Emo " in Kennedy Plaza Rhode Island.

 " Emo " knows that greed is not good. He just wants to celebrate a very Merry Christmas for a change. And a bonus for ALL getting SNAP benefits.

          I hear those frequent IRS commercials on radio ( " They're coming to get you, Martha ! " ) and think that's just what we need : a SOCIALIST IRS . " They can seize your assets ! "

   Happy campaigning to Niles Niemuth .

         Image result for Fear the IRS ! commercial

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