Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Innocent patriotism is just a human emotion easy enough to understand. Any person in ANY nation state can love his/her country for all too human reasons that have nothing to do with sociopathic emotions. You can love the natural beauty, the rich culture, the various talents and joie d 'vivre of the people , the pleasing diversity of ethnic groups, the GENIUS of this or that country.
Mother Nature invented natural beauty and diversity millions of years ago. WE THE PEOPLE of every country ALL come from an OLD FAMILY - the monkeys . So there is no excuse for humanity to be IMPRISONED in mutually hostile NATION STATES forever. If so many different ethnic groups can get along -or must get along - in the USA - then so can the hundreds of narcissistic nation states in this world come together.
In my vision of the global socialism of the future no PASSPORTS will be necessary to move about the planet. A PLANNED WORLD ECONOMY - guided by the most advanced computer technology- will make certain that human dignity is everywhere protected. Presently life is a nightmare of misery for half the human beings on the planet.
An enlightened human race will remember the insane worship of the FREE MARKET as just an existential nightmare that lasted way too long.
UTOPIAN ? But just imagine thinking that a monkey can evolve into YOU - homo sapiens ! It's a miracle .
Time for the greatest JAIL BREAK in human history. Abolish the nation state !
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