Thursday, June 28, 2018

We socialists must build bridges .. civility is not counter-revolutionary

I think the World Socialist Web Site is just speaking with the EXPERIENCE of more than a century of CLASS STRUGGLE war behind it .

 More than 100 years ago the American socialist Eugene V. Debs protesting the slaughter of the Great War- the " war to make the world safe for democracy "- in his famous Canton Speech-warned the American workers not to be sucked in by the Democratic Party. In 1917 Wilsonian blather was the ruling class line just as today the " liberal " Democrats ( where is the anti-war voice in this " Party of the People "? ) -are promoting the HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism.

      Presently the American ruling class is DESPERATE for a foreign enemy ( besides cartoon generic " terrorists " ).

      You can be sure that CLASS WAR - the only just war, said Debs- is not on THEIR agenda.
Of course, we must not assume that every vocal supporter of the Democrats is a bought and sold enemy of the working class. Revolutionary socialists must build bridges to all groups that would really benefit from " progressive " social change. For example, it is foolish to alienate working class Christians or ANY ethnic group -
or any " identity politics " group with a real grievance and history of discrimination.

               Rather than call religious people " stupid " in the manner of the late Christopher Hitchens socialists should just encourage them to take New Testament humanity seriously. And what kind of socialist was New Atheist Christopher Hitchens in the end ?

              Today in this crisis of human civilization different views of God and Faith can be put aside until more serene times -when ordinary people will be free to re-examine traditional religious creeds.

      WE socialists must build bridges. Civility is not counter-revolutionary. And it would not surprise me if more than a few entrenched privileged class individuals have an " epiphany " about social justice .

Neither Marx nor Engels discovered revolutionary socialism in a London or Berlin slum.

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