Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
It is very clear to American working class people that no" minority " has a greater sense of entitlement -with arrogant scorn for the HAVE NOT majority - than our ONE PERCENT ruling class. They now want to rule American " democracy " directly - not completely trusting their lackeys in the Republican and Democratic parties.
Working class soldiers should not shed a drop of blood to make the world safe for this incurably greedy and odious American plutocracy.
These rich people think that saving the people of Puerto Rico-devastated by the hurricane- with the HELPING HAND of government does not fit into their " more tax cuts for the rich " budget agenda. " That man ", FDR and his New Deal, is just a bad memory for them.
Are we to believe that these rich parasites are themselves ENTITLED to all this wealth ? Democratic socialism would never tolerate the existence of an exploiting , oppressive, parasite minority . They all will wake up one morning to discover that they now own NOTHING, and the common people EVERYTHING . Their stocks and bonds will be worthless. Nobody will owe them a cent .
THEY don't " create jobs " . They create economic chaos and much preventable human misery. Their economic system cannot survive a day without lies and brutality. The mainstream news media supplies the lies. The police state and the military supply the brutality.
Mr. Price will not be missed.
Tom Price resigns
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