Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Was that famous picture of Lee Harvey Oswald with " The Militant " a CIA fake ?
There is a famous picture of Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald holding a copy of " The Militant ". The name of the SWP's publication seems to be whitened out in the printed edition of yesterday's Providence Journal - not the way I remember it vividly back in 1963.
Was it paranoia for me to suspect a CIA frame up ? To be sure, , Oswald was a strange and sinister character, possibly a mental case. He would never fit in to the Trotskyist party that back then put out this first rate newspaper.
Like Trotsky himself , the SWP always condemned acts of individual terrorism . And indeed they condemned the Kennedy assassination.
Could that picture of Lee Harvey Oswald with " The Militant " be FAKE NEWS ?
Honest socialists would today also condemn any plots against the life of President Trump as profoundly undemocratic and reactionary.
In recent decades I understand that the Socialist Workers Party has strayed from its revolutionary past.
" [Some serious problems exist with these photos (Warren Exhibits 133 A, 133 B, and 133 C), as clarified in Fake. In 133 A, the famous Life Magazine photo, no one has ever been able to duplicate the hand gripping of the rifle, as Lee did. Also, the right shoulder slumps, as you can clearly see. These are signs of sloppy touch up work. Most troublesome, is the fact that there are no fingernails on the right hand, the hand holding the leftist newspaper The Militant. Puzzling also, is the fact that shadows fall in different positions, even though the snapshots were taken very close together in time.]
Oswald holding " The Militant "
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