Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Russia paranoia in the USA - 1950s flavored McCarthyism redux
This is 1950s flavored McCarthyism REDUX : every principled protest in the street is connected with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? How stupid does the mainstream news media think we are ?
Is Russia the source of protest against outrageous economic inequality in the USA or the source of protest against our endless and stupid New Colonialism in the Middle East ? No " patriotic " Americans would even think about protesting nuclear World War III ?
Oddly enough, the " liberal " Democrats are promoting the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism .
They have completely lost touch with the American working class. Doubling down on " identity politics " and foolish rants against imagined " white supremacy " will not make them the dominant party again.
Their dumb " threats " against President Trump are not based on any " democratic " principles.
Smearing political opponents as KKK type racists or woman haters or homophobes is just plain dirty politics.
Working class voters who supported Trump are not Archie Bunker " deplorables ". They just correctly sized up " Hawk Hillary ", " Wall St. Hillary ", Corrupt , Queen of the Status Quo Hillary Clinton.
They need a genuine American Labor Party - not a bipartisan alliance against the working class. They do not need false friends like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.
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