Saturday, October 21, 2017

Gen. Kelly’s tirade and the threat of dictatorship

There is an odd contradiction between everyday capitalist values, zealously expressed in Ayn Rand's " The Virtue of Selfishness ," and the age old military values going back to Homer's " Illiad " : honor, self-sacrifice, courage in battle, love of one's comrades .
You would think that no small numberof this American " military caste " would LIKE a socialist government .
I pick up for one dollar a discarded book at the Providence Public Library : " Thank You For Your Service " by David Finkel - about the " coming home " problems of wounded veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. They crack up by the thousands , commit suicide by the thousands, resort to criminal violence by the thousands. Have nightmares every night - WAR related and as horrible as any Stephen King movie. And they feel so sadly alone, as if NOBODY but their wounded war. buddies can possible begin to understand them . One stressed out wounded veteran complains to his social worker : " I am losing my memory ".
Are public libraries also " losing their memories ".. Why was David Finkel's book in the FOR SALE dump ?

Image result for david finkel thank you for your service

Image result for Homer Iliad glorifies war

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