Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Still no imagination on helping the homeless in Rhode Island
Our " liberal " Democrats suffer from a poverty of the imagination on the scandal of so many homeless people in Rhode Island . Rather than champion goofy HELP THE HOMELESS " giving meters " why not demand RENT CONTROL? Why not challenge Mr. Paolino's sacred private property rights ? Why not question capitalist private property rights in general ?
Our ACLU liberals champion the right of the homeless to beg in busy streets . Bourgeois legal thinking cannot even imagine a right to a decent home, a right to a job, a right to share of the surplus value appropriated every work day by the ONE PERCENT.
Working class socialists question the moral legitimacy of even " legitimate " wealth.
No capitalist politicians in Rhode Island give any serious thought to the scandal of homeless people - except when the business class sees them as a threat or a nuisance.
The Providence Journal has had " homeless " stories in it since the early Reagan era. The sages of 75 Fountain St. are as clueless as ever on the topic of poverty in America, on socialist Michael Harrington's " Other America ".
Anything that threatens the profit system causes a mental block in the COMFORTABLE All Americans. But what a country , God's country indeed !
A goofy solution to the homeless problem
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