Friday, September 11, 1998

Where's the tuna fish ?

I can't always focus on momentous issues. It took me a while

    to notice this supermarket ripoff:

           One of my favorite " peasant" dishes is elbow macaroni mixed

    with tuna fish from a can -add "virgin " olive oil and fresh spinach

    and/or fresh broccoli. Well salted and a little peppery.

         Cheap but nourishing ! A product of Welfare Days Wisdom.

         But lately LESS nourishing ! There is suspicious excess of

    WATER in ALL brands of canned tuna fish .

       And no doubt those food company presidents are waxing indignant

    about that FRAUD in the White House, Bill Clinton.

       Their  canned tuna fish would quickly cut Big Bad Bill down to

    size! But it bloats their profits.

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