Thursday, September 10, 1998

Lieberman and Bakst

Again and again I hear this : What President Clinton did was

    forgivable ( it better be or most of his acusers are out of business)...

    but he LIED about it - and under oath ! The scoundrel !

          You would think that the very soul of the nation agonizes over

    every unexposed, unpunished LIE .

          But how many Republican -or even Democrat- leaders are enthusiastic

    about TRUTH IN ADVERTISING bills ? How many newspaper editors refuse to

    publish daily horoscopes? How many high school principals would ban

    Creationism from the biology class ?

         How many top executives would lose their high paying jobs

    overnight if they were a little too candid about what goes on

    in their company ?

          In the military TRUTH telling can prove fatal to one's own

    side !

           If I am not mistaken, an oath is taken with respect to

    the Holy Bible ( seemingly an intrusion of Church into State ? ) .

           Forgive my blasphemy ( or is that sin also unforgivable ? )

    but this oath is taken with hand held on THE BOOK - and that book

    has at least historic UNTRUTHS and scientific UNTRUTHS on every

    page !

           Providence Journal columnist, M. Charles Bakst, is very

    impressed with Senator Joe Lieberman who recently condemned Bill

    Clinton's behavior ( " embarrassing,"  " immoral " , " harmful " )

    on the floor of the Senate .

          A senator should put patriotism above personal friendship

    or party affiliation . No quarrel here !

         But was Bakst honest to compare Lieberman's speech to Senator

    Margaret Chase Smith's " historic denunciation of Sen. Joseph

    McCarthy's smear tactics ."  ?

          For several years now it seemed to many Americans - if not

    a majority - that not Clinton but his persecutor prosecutor-

    Ken Starr- could be likened to the lunatic Red Hunter, Joe


           Since when is two bit extra marital affair - and LYING

    about it - a great threat to our Constitution ?

              Hypocrites of the world unite! You have nothing to

    lose but your own private life and FREEDOM !

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