Friday, September 4, 1998

Extreme Unction indeed!

My mother was never very religious. But yesterday in

    the hospital this very sick -possibly dying - 76 year old woman

    received the last rites of the Catholic Church.

          Luckily she rallied and I was able to talk to her today. She

    still has a strong will to live. Today the chaplain who performed

    the service - once aptly named " extreme unction " - came into

    the room while I was chatting with my mother. All this I felt was

    her business. I went outside to get some fresh air, not wanting to

    experience anymore " unction " than I had to.

          In the September sunshine I had a flash of insight. I asked

    myself: Why does such a madly materialistic society care about an

    old woman 's " spiritual needs " when she is so near death ?

          What a farce ! I concluded that the social order cannot tolerate

    the idea of a mental rebellion -even at the point of death.

         Yes, they want to say that all dying " made peace " with God.

    The chaplain - vulture like - is there to smooth things over- in the

    service of the social order. Later , of course, the family will get

    the bill for his dubious " service ".

           Better not tolerate cursing, irreverent words from the dying,

    They might carry extraordinary weight!

          What if the dying person's last words were : FUCK GOD AND HIS


         Now just for the record my sweet mother would utter no such

    blasphemies .

            But what a breath of fresh air - truly divine inspiration !

          But do not despair. Tomorrow is another day !

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