Thursday, June 14, 2018

The Democrats have completely forgotten even how to talk to working class people


[ Assange bashes Dems: The party 'is doomed' | TheHill ]
Jun 24, 2017 - Wikileaks founder Julian Assange blasted the Democratic Party on Saturday in an essay posted to his Twitter account.

It seems to me that the " liberal " Democrats want to join the lynching party for Julian Assange. What " democracy " do they have to offer the world ? With hardly a single exception they believe -like Trump - in AMERICA FIRST capitalism, in the bloody New Colonialism in the Middle East . More than Trump they believe in the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism- which can only mean winking at nuclear World War III .

             The Democrats have completely forgotten even how to talk to working class people. They speak the language of petty bourgeois " identity politics ". " Progressive " Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren support the war machine and shed crocodile tears for the " Fear of Falling ", STRESSED OUT American middle class. How stupid can anybody be to accept Bernie Sanders " socialist " credentials " ?

             The Democrats never connect much discussed social evils - the jobless, the homeless, the drug addicts, the suicides, the violence prone sociopaths- with the failure of capitalism to give us a saner world. They compartmentalize all these evils and invariably join with the reactionary right in blaming the victims for their own misery.

                  But do not despair : brilliant bourgeois scholars are studying THE PROBLEM. No hint of " socialism " as the solution will be inferred from their lucubrations and learned dissertations and public lectures. Thank God for our JOB CREATORS and PHILANTHROPISTS . Yes, capitalism might be part of THE PROBLEM but it is also THE SOLUTION . Ask any optimistic American billionaire.

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