Monday, June 11, 2018

JUNK the United States military ! ( and the others too )

White House Economic Adviser: Canada's Trudeau 'Stabbed Us In The Back'

Are the capitalist economic interests in one Big 7 -or one Little 7 - nation state on a higher moral plane than BIG BUSINESS interests anywhere on the planet including China, Russia, Iran, North Korea ( with its elite military caste ) ?

            WE THE PEOPLE must tell the plutocracies of the whole world : YOUR enemies are not OUR enemies; YOUR friends are not OUR friends. YOUR wars are not OUR wars.

               JUNK ALL the military machines in EVERY nation state. Here in the USA WE THE PEOPLE must denuclearize U.S. imperialism. We must DISCHARGE all these tin soldiers and their half-cracked officers.

                How quickly can we JUNK all the nuclear submarines , for example ? A lot more quickly than it took to build them - a colossal waste of social surplus value and of human resources : TALENT corrupted to serve the capitalist Death Culture.

              Don't think for a moment you pacifists out there that you have a friend in the Democratic Party , now a neo-con , pro-war party promoting the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism .

               Millions to the streets demanding : BAN THE BOMB ! SAY NO TO NUCLEAR WAR ! SAY NO TO ALL STUPID AND ENDLESS NEW COLONIALISM WARS !

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