Saturday, June 9, 2018

Blowhard militarist scientists now the PUBLIC VOICE of science ?

“Big Sugar” and metabolic syndrome, killers of millions annually worldwide

Yes, SCIENCE -particularly medical science -can be corrupted as a HUMAN institution by for-profit capitalist interests. In theory the scientific method is self-correcting .But when local radio exhorts you daily to SEE YOUR DOCTOR for this or that imminent threat to your health you begin to see even SCIENCE NEWS as possibly FAKE.
I wish the medical doctors I have observed over the years were as competent as they were arrogant.
A GOOD doctor should have both the curiosity and intellectual honesty of the un- corrupted research scientist and the heart of a humanitarian practicing " Reverence for Life " .
We humans must adapt to dramatic climate change as a FACT . But how much " global warming " research is possibly tainted by self-interested agendas ? Anyway , only global socialism can check it .
How few scientists nowadays can be idealized as Einstein in his prime. Science writers Isaac Asimov and Carl Sagan have been dead now for years.
    Only blowhards for NASA and the Pentagon and the American Way of Life are taking their place as the PUBLIC VOICE of SCIENCE.
Too many quacks in Medicine USA .

Image result for Sinclair Lewis, Arrowsmith

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